There were 626 motion picture and sound recording industries in California that had between five and nine employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 17 miscellaneous store retailers in California that had between 100 and 249 employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 80 information businesses in Los Angeles County zip codes that had between 250 and 499 employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 812 information businesses in Los Angeles County zip codes that had between 10 and 19 employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 1,012 information businesses in Los Angeles County zip codes that had between five and nine employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 105 health care and social assistance businesses in Los Angeles County zip codes that had 500 or more employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 6,655 motion picture and sound recording industries in California that had between one and four employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 300 petroleum and coal products manufacturing businesses in the U.S. that had between 20 and 49 employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 132 health care and social assistance businesses in Los Angeles County zip codes that had between 250 and 499 employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were one miscellaneous store retailers in California that had 500 or more employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 492 petroleum and coal products manufacturing businesses in the U.S. that had between five and nine employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 683 information businesses in Los Angeles County zip codes that had between 20 and 49 employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 198 information businesses in Los Angeles County zip codes that had between 100 and 249 employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 24 personal and laundry services businesses in the U.S. that had 500 or more employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
The VA Palo Alto Health Care System, subsidiary 640HB in Modesto, California scheduled 4,053 pending appointments in August compared to 3,553 the previous month, according to data collected from the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs.
There were 542 health care and social assistance businesses in Los Angeles County zip codes that had between 100 and 249 employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 297 information businesses in Los Angeles County zip codes that had between 50 and 99 employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 22 industries not classified businesses in Los Angeles County zip codes that had between five and nine employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 101 petroleum and coal products manufacturing businesses in the U.S. that had between 100 and 249 employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
There were 863 industries not classified businesses in Los Angeles County zip codes that had between one and four employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.