
Santa Clara Today

Friday, March 28, 2025

Feb. 3 sees Congressional Record publish “BIOECONOMY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 2021.....” in the House of Representatives section

Zoe Lofgren was mentioned in BIOECONOMY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 2021..... on pages H934-H944 covering the 2nd Session of the 117th Congress published on Feb. 3 in the Congressional Record.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to clause 1(c) of rule XIX, further consideration of the bill (H.R. 4521) to provide for a coordinated Federal research initiative to ensure continued United States leadership in engineering biology will now resume.

The Clerk read the title of the bill.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair understands that amendment No. 179 will not be offered.

Amendment No. 184 Offered by Mr. Perry

The SPEAKER pro tempore. It is now in order to consider amendment No. 184 printed in part D of House Report 117-241.

Mr. PERRY. Madam Speaker, I have an amendment at the desk.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Clerk will designate the amendment.

The text of the amendment is as follows:

At the end of title VI of division D, add the following:



(a) In General.--The President shall--

(1) not later than 5 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, provide written notification to the Depository of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, done at Rio de Janeiro, June 3-14, 1992, of the withdrawal of the United States from the Convention effective on the date that is one year after the date of receipt by the Depository of such notification of withdrawal in accordance with Article 25 of the Convention; and

(2) on the effective date referred to in paragraph (1), withdraw the United States from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

(b) Limitation on Use of Funds.--No funds authorized or appropriated by any Act may be used to support, directly or indirectly, any efforts on the part of any United States Government official to take steps to carry out the obligations of the United States under the United Nations Framework on Climate Change on or after the effective date referred to in subsection (a)(1).

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to House Resolution 900, the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Perry) and a Member opposed each will control 5 minutes.

The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Pennsylvania.

Mr. PERRY. Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to please join me in protecting American workers by terminating U.S. participation in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The UNFCCC charges signatories to work to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system.

The institution's mission to prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system precludes the body from investigating potential natural causes of climate variation and binds member states to act in the interest of human safety even in the face of scientific uncertainty.

Together, these provisions require treaty signers to take significant actions to curb their economic output without considering the scientific basis for such actions or the effect such actions will have on the environment.

The Paris accords present a prime example of the inefficacy of the UNFCCC framework. The accords received major domestic blowback given the deep GHG restrictions imposed on our Nation relative to the world's major polluters; namely, China. Even if our GHG emissions could be eliminated completely overnight, it would have no impact globally. None. Chinese emissions would make up the difference, and the result is the U.S. economy would be unnecessarily crippled, while the CCP's economy would grow unencumbered.

The UNFCCC further requires that industrialized nations support climate change action in developing countries on top of aid already provided to these countries. Developing countries like China; like if anybody here thinks they are still developing, well, I guess that is why you have been sending our jobs over there for 40 years. We are forced to pay for and bail them out. This amounts to the U.S. taxpayer paying for and bailing out Chinese green industries at the expense of U.S. jobs. We are tired of it. Put plainly, remaining party to a treaty requiring our Nation to fund the offshoring of manufacturing jobs, our very own jobs, should be met with contempt across this political spectrum.

Finally, the UNFCCC's leadership has made clear that the treaty has nothing to do with environmental policy. It is, quite frankly, an effort to reshape the world's economy to eliminate free and competitive markets. Former UNFCCC's Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres stated as much. This is what she said: ``This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution.'' Free markets.

If the U.S. wants to impose significant economic harm on its own citizens and overturn the free market economic system, it should be done under the constitutional system in this body, not by the dictates of the international community.

Madam Speaker, I urge passage of the amendment, and I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. CASTRO. Madam Speaker, I rise today to oppose Mr. Perry's amendment.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman is recognized for 5 minutes.

Mr. CASTRO. Madam Speaker, the gentleman from Pennsylvania's amendment would undermine the U.S. leadership on climate change and isolate the United States on the world stage on a critical issue for the future of our Nation and the future of the world.

Unfortunately, my Republican colleagues claim that they are deeply alarmed by China. They implore us to counter a threat from the People's Republic of China, yet when a comprehensive bill is in front of them to strengthen the United States' competitiveness on the world stage, including on our diplomacy, all of that urgency goes out the window.

And why? Why aren't Republicans clamoring to vote for America COMPETES Act? This amendment makes clear that it is at least in part because of their climate denialism. Republicans just don't want to address climate in this China bill, even though China is the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases and is outcompeting us at the same time in creating the green energy jobs of the future. The truth is, they don't want the United States to address climate change, period.

Our closest allies were aghast when President Trump pulled us out of the Paris climate agreement, and China took advantage of that in every way that it could, painting the United States as the irresponsible party on the world stage. Now Mr. Perry's amendment would have us make the same mistake again.

If we want to hold China accountable for its coal power plants and its rising emissions, we need to be at the table to pressure it to do better, and we need to lead multilateral efforts to combat climate change and invest in green energy and green projects, because if we don't, China will be more than happy to fill in with its unsustainable Belt and Road Initiative projects and its financing, which always comes with strings attached.

For those reasons and others, I oppose this amendment and ask my colleagues to do the same.

I reserve the balance of my time, Madam Speaker.

Mr. PERRY. Madam Speaker, I yield the balance of my time to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. McCaul).

Mr. McCAUL. Madam Speaker, if we adopt the motion to recommit, we will instruct the Committee on Science to consider my amendment to ensure that this bill will not fund the Chinese Communist Party.

I ask unanimous consent to include the text of my amendment in the Record immediately prior to the vote on the motion to recommit.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Texas?

There was no objection.

Mr. McCAUL. As I said yesterday, the generational threat of the Chinese Communist Party is a test, not only for our national security but for American values. Sadly, this bill fails that test.

The CCP exploits our economy. They are building hypersonic weapons on the backbone of U.S. technology, and they are using American intellectual property to further their genocide.

A substantive bill to counter the CCP isn't just a security issue. It is a moral issue. Yet, this bill takes no meaningful steps to keep U.S. technology out of the hands of the CCP's military.

Even worse, my Democratic colleagues have refused safeguards that would stop this money from financing slave labor and genocide in the Xinjiang province.

Madam Speaker, I, therefore, urge my colleagues to reconsider this Trojan horse bill and to adopt my straightforward amendment. It would stop huge sums of U.S. taxpayer dollars from going to the Chinese Government, from funding their genocide. It would stop research funds in this bill from being used by entities like the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Madam Speaker, this is the test of our time. We must not help the CCP build the future of global energy on a foundation of slave labor and genocide.

I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to stand on the right side of history and to support my motion to recommit.

Mr. CASTRO. Madam Speaker, regarding Mr. Perry's amendment, if the United States does not choose to lead on the issue of climate change, we can't outcompete China or expect the world to join us in countering China's policies.

To compete, we must lead the world forward, and we must face reality and be willing to enact policies that deal with reality. This amendment is about taking America backward, and so I ask my colleagues to oppose it.

Madam Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.

Mr. PERRY. Madam Speaker, I would just say to my friends on the other side of the aisle, stop obfuscating, stop sending our jobs overseas. Start realizing what we have done together in this Chamber to our citizens who want to work in their jobs in their country.

This has done nothing but overseas our jobs, outsource our jobs. Let's not continue that process.

Madam Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to House Resolution 900, the previous question is ordered on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Perry).

The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Perry).

The question was taken; and the Speaker pro tempore announced that the noes appeared to have it.

Mr. PERRY. Madam Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to section 3(s) of House Resolution 8, the yeas and nays are ordered.

Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, further proceedings on this question are postponed.

Amendments En Bloc No. 1 Offered by Ms. Johnson of Texas

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfinished business is the question on the adoption of amendments en bloc No. 1, printed in part D of House Report 117- 241, on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the yeas and nays were ordered.

The Clerk will redesignate the amendments en bloc.

The Clerk redesignated the amendments en bloc.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the amendments en bloc offered by the gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. Johnson).

The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 221, nays 211, not voting 1, as follows:


Adams Aguilar Allred Auchincloss Axne Barragan Bass Beatty Bera Beyer Bishop (GA) Blumenauer Blunt Rochester Bonamici Bourdeaux Bowman Boyle, Brendan F. Brown (MD) Brown (OH) Brownley Bush Bustos Butterfield Carbajal Cardenas Carson Carter (LA) Cartwright Case Casten Castor (FL) Castro (TX) Cherfilus-McCormick Chu Cicilline Clark (MA) Clarke (NY) Cleaver Clyburn Cohen Connolly Cooper Correa Costa Courtney Craig Crist Crow Cuellar Davids (KS) Davis, Danny K. Dean DeFazio DeGette DeLauro DelBene Delgado Demings DeSaulnier Deutch Dingell Doggett Doyle, Michael F. Escobar Eshoo Espaillat Evans Fitzpatrick Fletcher Foster Frankel, Lois Gallego Garamendi Garcia (IL) Garcia (TX) Gomez Gonzalez, Vicente Gottheimer Green, Al (TX) Grijalva Harder (CA) Hayes Higgins (NY) Himes Horsford Houlahan Hoyer Huffman Jackson Lee Jacobs (CA) Jayapal Jeffries Johnson (GA) Johnson (TX) Jones Kahele Kaptur Keating Kelly (IL) Khanna Kildee Kilmer Kim (NJ) Kind Kirkpatrick Krishnamoorthi Kuster Lamb Langevin Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Lawrence Lawson (FL) Lee (CA) Lee (NV) Leger Fernandez Levin (CA) Levin (MI) Lieu Lofgren Lowenthal Luria Lynch Malinowski Maloney, Carolyn B. Maloney, Sean Manning Matsui McBath McCollum McEachin McGovern McNerney Meeks Meng Mfume Moore (WI) Morelle Moulton Mrvan Murphy (FL) Nadler Napolitano Neal Neguse Newman Norcross O'Halleran Ocasio-Cortez Omar Pallone Panetta Pappas Pascrell Payne Perlmutter Peters Phillips Pingree Pocan Porter Pressley Price (NC) Quigley Raskin Rice (NY) Ross Roybal-Allard Ruiz Ruppersberger Rush Ryan Sanchez Sarbanes Scanlon Schakowsky Schiff Schneider Schrader Schrier Scott (VA) Scott, David Sewell Sherman Sherrill Sires Slotkin Smith (WA) Soto Spanberger Speier Stansbury Stanton Stevens Strickland Suozzi Swalwell Takano Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Titus Tlaib Tonko Torres (CA) Torres (NY) Trahan Trone Underwood Vargas Veasey Vela Velazquez Wasserman Schultz Waters Watson Coleman Welch Wexton Wild Williams (GA) Wilson (FL) Yarmuth


Aderholt Allen Amodei Armstrong Arrington Babin Bacon Baird Balderson Banks Barr Bentz Bergman Bice (OK) Biggs Bilirakis Bishop (NC) Boebert Bost Brady Brooks Buchanan Buck Bucshon Budd Burchett Burgess Calvert Cammack Carey Carl Carter (GA) Carter (TX) Cawthorn Chabot Cheney Cline Cloud Clyde Cole Comer Crawford Crenshaw Curtis Davidson Davis, Rodney DesJarlais Diaz-Balart Donalds Duncan Dunn Ellzey Emmer Fallon Feenstra Ferguson Fischbach Fitzgerald Fleischmann Fortenberry Foxx Franklin, C. Scott Fulcher Gaetz Gallagher Garbarino Garcia (CA) Gibbs Gimenez Gohmert Golden Gonzales, Tony Gonzalez (OH) Good (VA) Gooden (TX) Gosar Granger Graves (LA) Graves (MO) Green (TN) Greene (GA) Griffith Grothman Guest Guthrie Hagedorn Harris Harshbarger Hartzler Hern Herrell Herrera Beutler Hice (GA) Higgins (LA) Hill Hinson Hollingsworth Hudson Huizenga Issa Jackson Jacobs (NY) Johnson (LA) Johnson (OH) Johnson (SD) Jordan Joyce (OH) Joyce (PA) Katko Keller Kelly (MS) Kelly (PA) Kim (CA) Kinzinger Kustoff LaHood LaMalfa Lamborn Latta LaTurner Lesko Letlow Long Loudermilk Lucas Luetkemeyer Mace Malliotakis Mann Massie Mast McCarthy McCaul McClain McClintock McHenry McKinley Meijer Meuser Miller (IL) Miller (WV) Miller-Meeks Moolenaar Mooney Moore (AL) Moore (UT) Mullin Murphy (NC) Nehls Newhouse Norman Obernolte Owens Palazzo Palmer Pence Perry Pfluger Posey Reed Reschenthaler Rice (SC) Rodgers (WA) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rose Rosendale Rouzer Roy Rutherford Salazar Scalise Schweikert Scott, Austin Sessions Simpson Smith (MO) Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Smucker Spartz Stauber Steel Stefanik Steil Steube Stewart Taylor Tenney Thompson (PA) Tiffany Timmons Turner Upton Valadao Van Drew Van Duyne Wagner Walberg Walorski Waltz Weber (TX) Webster (FL) Wenstrup Westerman Williams (TX) Wilson (SC) Wittman Womack Young Zeldin



{time} 1628

Mr. WEBSTER of Florida changed his vote from ``yea'' to ``nay.''

So the en bloc amendments were agreed to.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

Members Recorded Pursuant to House Resolution 8, 117th Congress

Adams (Brown (MD)) Allred (Wexton) Armstrong (Murphy (NC)) Axne (Kuster) Baird (Bucshon) Beyer (Raskin) Bishop (NC) (Budd) Bowman (Ocasio-Cortez) Brownley (Kuster) Cardenas (Gomez) Clarke (NY) (Kelly (IL)) Cleaver (Raskin) Crist (Wasserman Schultz) Cuellar (Correa) Davids (KS) (Brown (MD)) Davis, Danny K. (Garcia (IL)) Dean (Evans) DeSaulnier (Raskin) Deutch (Rice (NY)) Doggett (Raskin) Doyle, Michael F. (Evans) Espaillat (Meeks) Frankel, Lois (Kuster) Gohmert (Weber (TX)) Grijalva (Garcia (IL)) Hagedorn (Carl) Hoyer (Brown (MD)) Hudson (Murphy (NC)) Jacobs (CA) (Correa) Jeffries (Kelly (IL)) Kahele (Case) Keating (Cicilline) Khanna (Gomez) Kim (CA) (Steel) Kinzinger (Herrera Beutler) Kirkpatrick (Pallone) LaMalfa (Rouzer) Lawson (FL) (Evans) Loudermilk (Fleischmann) Lucas (Mullin) Malinowski (Pallone) Maloney, Carolyn B. (Wasserman Schultz) McHenry (Cammack) Meng (Kuster) Moore (WI) (Raskin) Nadler (Pallone) Napolitano (Correa) Payne (Pallone) Pingree (Kuster) Porter (Wexton) Reed (Miller (WV)) Roybal-Allard (Correa) Ruiz (Correa) Rush (Kaptur) Ryan (Kaptur) Schneider (Rice (NY)) Sires (Pallone) Stansbury (Garcia (IL)) Stauber (Bergman) Steube (Cammack) Suozzi (Raskin) Timmons (Murphy (NC)) Tonko (Pallone) Torres (NY) (Meeks) Trahan (Wexton) Velazquez (Meeks) Wagner (Cammack) Walorski (Banks) Waltz (Cammack) Watson Coleman (Pallone) Welch (Raskin) Williams (GA) (Kelly (IL)) Wilson (FL) (Cicilline)

Amendments En Bloc No. 2 Offered by Ms. Bonamici of Oregon

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfinished business is the question on the adoption of amendments en bloc No. 2, printed in part D of House Report 117-241, on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the yeas and nays were ordered.

The Clerk will redesignate the amendments en bloc.

The Clerk redesignated the amendments en bloc.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the amendments en bloc offered by the gentlewoman from Oregon (Ms. Bonamici).

The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 262, nays 168, not voting 3, as follows:


Adams Aguilar Allred Auchincloss Axne Bacon Baird Barr Barragan Bass Beatty Bera Beyer Bishop (GA) Blumenauer Blunt Rochester Bonamici Bost Bourdeaux Boyle, Brendan F. Brown (MD) Brown (OH) Brownley Bustos Butterfield Carbajal Cardenas Carson Carter (LA) Cartwright Case Casten Castor (FL) Castro (TX) Chabot Cheney Cherfilus-McCormick Chu Cicilline Clark (MA) Clarke (NY) Cleaver Clyburn Cohen Connolly Cooper Correa Costa Courtney Craig Crenshaw Crist Crow Cuellar Curtis Davids (KS) Davidson Davis, Danny K. Davis, Rodney Dean DeFazio DeGette DeLauro DelBene Delgado Demings DeSaulnier Deutch Dingell Doggett Doyle, Michael F. Emmer Escobar Eshoo Espaillat Evans Fitzpatrick Fletcher Foster Frankel, Lois Gaetz Gallagher Gallego Garamendi Garbarino Garcia (IL) Garcia (TX) Golden Gomez Gonzales, Tony Gonzalez (OH) Gonzalez, Vicente Gottheimer Graves (LA) Green, Al (TX) Grijalva Harder (CA) Hayes Herrera Beutler Higgins (NY) Hill Himes Hinson Hollingsworth Horsford Houlahan Hoyer

Huffman Jackson Lee Jacobs (CA) Jayapal Jeffries Johnson (GA) Johnson (TX) Jones Joyce (OH) Kahele Kaptur Katko Keating Kelly (IL) Khanna Kildee Kilmer Kim (CA) Kim (NJ) Kind Kinzinger Kirkpatrick Krishnamoorthi Kuster Lamb Langevin Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Lawrence Lawson (FL) Lee (CA) Lee (NV) Leger Fernandez Levin (CA) Levin (MI) Lieu Lofgren Lowenthal Luetkemeyer Luria Lynch Mace Malinowski Malliotakis Maloney, Carolyn B. Maloney, Sean Manning Matsui McBath McClain McCollum McEachin McGovern McKinley McNerney Meeks Meijer Meng Meuser Mfume Miller-Meeks Moore (WI) Morelle Moulton Mrvan Murphy (FL) Nadler Napolitano Neal Neguse Newhouse Newman Norcross O'Halleran Pallone Panetta Pappas Pascrell Payne Perlmutter Peters Phillips Pingree Pocan Porter Posey Price (NC) Quigley Raskin Reed Rice (NY) Ross Roybal-Allard Ruiz Ruppersberger Rush Ryan Salazar Sanchez Sarbanes Scanlon Schakowsky Schiff Schneider Schrader Schrier Scott (VA) Scott, David Sewell Sherman Sherrill Sires Slotkin Smith (NJ) Smith (WA) Soto Spanberger Speier Stansbury Stanton Steel Stevens Strickland Suozzi Swalwell Takano Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Timmons Titus Tonko Torres (CA) Torres (NY) Trahan Trone Turner Underwood Upton Valadao Vargas Veasey Vela Velazquez Waltz Wasserman Schultz Waters Watson Coleman Welch Wexton Wild Williams (GA) Wilson (FL) Womack Yarmuth Young


Aderholt Allen Amodei Armstrong Arrington Babin Balderson Banks Bentz Bergman Bice (OK) Biggs Bilirakis Bishop (NC) Boebert Bowman Brooks Buchanan Buck Bucshon Budd Burchett Burgess Bush Calvert Cammack Carey Carl Carter (GA) Carter (TX) Cawthorn Cline Cloud Clyde Cole Comer Crawford DesJarlais Diaz-Balart Donalds Duncan Dunn Ellzey Fallon Feenstra Ferguson Fischbach Fitzgerald Fleischmann Fortenberry Foxx Franklin, C. Scott Fulcher Garcia (CA) Gibbs Gimenez Gohmert Good (VA) Gooden (TX) Gosar Granger Graves (MO) Green (TN) Greene (GA) Griffith Grothman Guest Guthrie Hagedorn Harris Harshbarger Hartzler Hern Herrell Hice (GA) Higgins (LA) Hudson Huizenga Issa Jackson Jacobs (NY) Johnson (LA) Johnson (OH) Johnson (SD) Jordan Joyce (PA) Keller Kelly (MS) Kelly (PA) Kustoff LaHood LaMalfa Lamborn Latta LaTurner Lesko Letlow Long Loudermilk Lucas Mann Massie Mast McCarthy McCaul McClintock McHenry Miller (IL) Miller (WV) Moolenaar Mooney Moore (AL) Moore (UT) Murphy (NC) Nehls Norman Obernolte Ocasio-Cortez Omar Owens Palazzo Palmer Pence Perry Pfluger Pressley Reschenthaler Rice (SC) Rodgers (WA) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rose Rosendale Rouzer Roy Rutherford Scalise Schweikert Scott, Austin Sessions Simpson Smith (MO) Smith (NE) Smucker Spartz Stauber Stefanik Steil Steube Stewart Taylor Tenney Thompson (PA) Tiffany Tlaib Van Drew Van Duyne Wagner Walberg Walorski Weber (TX) Webster (FL) Wenstrup Westerman Williams (TX) Wilson (SC) Wittman Zeldin


Brady Estes Mullin

{time} 1650

Mr. GARCIA of California changed his vote from ``yea'' to ``nay.''

Mr. KINZINGER and Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER changed their vote from ``nay'' to ``yea.''

So the en bloc amendments were agreed to.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

members recorded pursuant to house resolution 8, 117th congress

Adams (Brown (MD)) Allred (Wexton) Armstrong (Murphy (NC)) Axne (Kuster) Baird (Bucshon) Beyer (Raskin) Bishop (NC) (Budd) Bowman (Ocasio-Cortez) Brownley (Kuster) Cardenas (Gomez) Clarke (NY) (Kelly (IL)) Cleaver (Raskin) Crist (Wasserman Schultz) Cuellar (Correa) Davids (KS) (Brown (MD)) Davis, Danny K. (Garcia (IL)) Dean (Evans) DeSaulnier (Raskin) Deutch (Rice (NY)) Doggett (Raskin) Doyle, Michael F. (Evans) Espaillat (Meeks) Frankel, Lois (Kuster) Gohmert (Weber (TX)) Grijalva (Garcia (IL)) Hagedorn (Carl) Horsford (Evans) Hoyer (Brown (MD)) Hudson (Murphy (NC)) Jacobs (CA) (Correa) Jeffries (Kelly (IL)) Kahele (Case) Keating (Cicilline) Khanna (Gomez) Kim (CA) (Steel) Kinzinger (Herrera Beutler) Kirkpatrick (Pallone) LaMalfa (Rouzer) Lawson (FL) (Evans) Loudermilk (Fleischmann) Lucas (Mullin) Malinowski (Pallone) Maloney, Carolyn B. (Wasserman Schultz) McHenry (Cammack) Meng (Kuster) Moore (WI) (Raskin) Nadler (Pallone) Napolitano (Correa) Payne (Pallone) Pingree (Kuster) Porter (Wexton) Reed (Miller (WV)) Roybal-Allard (Correa) Ruiz (Correa) Rush (Kaptur) Ryan (Kaptur) Schneider (Rice (NY)) Sires (Pallone) Stansbury (Garcia (IL)) Stauber (Bergman) Steube (Cammack) Suozzi (Raskin) Timmons (Murphy (NC)) Tonko (Pallone) Torres (NY) (Meeks) Trahan (Wexton) Velazquez (Meeks) Wagner (Cammack) Walorski (Banks) Waltz (Cammack) Watson Coleman (Pallone) Welch (Raskin) Williams (GA) (Kelly (IL)) Wilson (FL) (Cicilline)

Amendments En Bloc No. 3 Offered by Ms. Lofgren of California

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfinished business is the question on the adoption of amendments en bloc No. 3, printed in part D of House Report 117-241, on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the yeas and nays were ordered.

The Clerk will redesignate the amendments en bloc.

The Clerk redesignated the amendments en bloc.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the amendments en bloc offered by the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Lofgren).

The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 204, nays 225, not voting 4, as follows:


Aderholt Allen Amodei Armstrong Arrington Babin Baird Balderson Banks Barr Bentz Bergman Bice (OK) Biggs Bilirakis Bishop (NC) Boebert Bost Brady Brooks Buchanan Buck Bucshon Budd Burchett Burgess Calvert Cammack Carey Carl Carter (GA) Carter (TX) Cawthorn Chabot Cheney Cline Cloud Clyde Cole Comer Crawford Crenshaw Curtis Davidson Davis, Rodney DesJarlais Diaz-Balart Donalds Duncan Dunn Ellzey Emmer Fallon Feenstra Ferguson Fischbach Fitzgerald Fleischmann Fortenberry Foxx Franklin, C. Scott Fulcher Gaetz Gallagher Garbarino Garcia (CA) Gibbs Gimenez Gonzales, Tony Gonzalez (OH) Good (VA) Gooden (TX) Gosar Granger Graves (MO) Green (TN) Greene (GA) Griffith Grothman Guthrie Hagedorn Harris Harshbarger Hartzler Hern Herrell Herrera Beutler Hice (GA) Higgins (LA) Hill Hinson Hollingsworth Hudson Huizenga Issa Jackson Jacobs (NY) Johnson (LA) Johnson (OH) Johnson (SD) Jordan Joyce (OH) Joyce (PA) Keller Kelly (MS) Kelly (PA) Kim (CA) Kinzinger Kustoff LaHood LaMalfa Lamborn Latta LaTurner Lesko Letlow Long Loudermilk Lucas Luetkemeyer Mace Malliotakis Mann Massie Mast McCarthy McCaul McClain McClintock McHenry McKinley Meijer Meuser Miller (IL) Miller (WV) Miller-Meeks Moolenaar Mooney Moore (AL) Moore (UT) Mullin Murphy (NC) Nehls Newhouse Norman Obernolte Owens Palazzo Palmer Pence Pfluger Posey Reed Reschenthaler Rice (SC) Rodgers (WA) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rose Rosendale Rouzer Roy Rutherford Salazar Scalise Schweikert Scott, Austin Sessions Simpson Smith (MO) Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Smucker Spartz Stauber Steel Stefanik Steil Steube Stewart Taylor Tenney Thompson (PA) Tiffany Timmons Turner Upton Valadao Van Drew Van Duyne Wagner Walberg Walorski Waltz Weber (TX) Webster (FL) Wenstrup Westerman Williams (TX) Wilson (SC) Wittman Womack Young Zeldin


Adams Aguilar Allred Auchincloss Axne Bacon Barragan Bass Beatty Bera Beyer Bishop (GA) Blumenauer Blunt Rochester Bonamici Bourdeaux Bowman Boyle, Brendan F. Brown (MD) Brown (OH) Brownley Bush Bustos Butterfield Carbajal Cardenas Carson Carter (LA) Cartwright Case Casten Castor (FL) Castro (TX) Cherfilus-McCormick Chu Cicilline Clark (MA) Clarke (NY) Cleaver Clyburn Cohen Connolly Cooper Correa Costa Courtney Craig Crist Crow Cuellar Davids (KS) Davis, Danny K. Dean DeFazio DeGette DeLauro DelBene Delgado Demings DeSaulnier Deutch

Dingell Doggett Doyle, Michael F. Escobar Eshoo Espaillat Evans Fitzpatrick Fletcher Foster Frankel, Lois Gallego Garamendi Garcia (IL) Garcia (TX) Golden Gomez Gonzalez, Vicente Gottheimer Green, Al (TX) Grijalva Harder (CA) Hayes Higgins (NY) Himes Horsford Houlahan Hoyer Huffman Jackson Lee Jacobs (CA) Jayapal Jeffries Johnson (GA) Johnson (TX) Jones Kahele Kaptur Katko Keating Kelly (IL) Khanna Kildee Kilmer Kim (NJ) Kind Kirkpatrick Krishnamoorthi Kuster Lamb Langevin Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Lawrence Lawson (FL) Lee (CA) Lee (NV) Leger Fernandez Levin (CA) Levin (MI) Lieu Lofgren Lowenthal Luria Lynch Malinowski Maloney, Carolyn B. Maloney, Sean Manning Matsui McBath McCollum McEachin McGovern McNerney Meeks Meng Mfume Moore (WI) Morelle Moulton Mrvan Murphy (FL) Nadler Napolitano Neal Neguse Newman Norcross O'Halleran Ocasio-Cortez Omar Pallone Panetta Pappas Pascrell Payne Perlmutter Perry Peters Phillips Pingree Pocan Porter Pressley Price (NC) Quigley Raskin Rice (NY) Ross Roybal-Allard Ruiz Ruppersberger Rush Ryan Sanchez Sarbanes Scanlon Schakowsky Schiff Schneider Schrader Schrier Scott (VA) Scott, David Sewell Sherman Sherrill Sires Slotkin Smith (WA) Soto Spanberger Speier Stansbury Stanton Stevens Strickland Suozzi Swalwell Takano Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Titus Tlaib Tonko Torres (CA) Torres (NY) Trahan Trone Underwood Vargas Veasey Vela Velazquez Wasserman Schultz Waters Watson Coleman Welch Wexton Wild Williams (GA) Wilson (FL) Yarmuth


Estes Gohmert Graves (LA) Guest

{time} 1712

Mr. O'HALLERAN, Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts, Mr. DELGADO, Ms. BASS, and Mrs. McBATH changed their vote from ``yea'' to ``nay.''

Mrs. RODGERS of Washington and Messrs. DUNCAN and McCLINTOCK changed their vote from ``nay'' to ``yea.''

So the en bloc amendments were rejected.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

Stated for:

Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana. Mr. Speaker, had I been present, I would have noted ``yea'' on rollcall No. 20.

Members Recorded Pursuant to House Resolution 8, 117th Congress

Adams (Brown (MD)) Allred (Wexton) Armstrong (Murphy (NC)) Axne (Kuster) Baird (Bucshon) Beyer (Raskin) Bishop (NC) (Budd) Bowman (Ocasio-Cortez) Brownley (Kuster) Cardenas (Gomez) Clarke (NY) (Kelly (IL)) Cleaver (Raskin) Crist (Wasserman Schultz) Cuellar (Correa) Davids (KS) (Brown (MD)) Davis, Danny K. (Garcia (IL)) Dean (Evans) DeSaulnier (Raskin) Deutch (Rice (NY)) Doggett (Raskin) Doyle, Michael F. (Evans) Espaillat (Meeks) Frankel, Lois (Kuster) Gohmert (Weber (TX)) Grijalva (Garcia (IL)) Hagedorn (Carl) Horsford (Evans) Hoyer (Brown (MD)) Hudson (Murphy (NC)) Jacobs (CA) (Correa) Jeffries (Kelly (IL)) Kahele (Case) Keating (Cicilline) Khanna (Gomez) Kim (CA) (Steel) Kinzinger (Herrera Beutler) Kirkpatrick (Pallone) LaMalfa (Rouzer) Lawson (FL) (Evans) Loudermilk (Fleischmann) Lucas (Mullin) Malinowski (Pallone) Maloney, Carolyn B. (Wasserman Schultz) McHenry (Cammack) Meng (Kuster) Moore (WI) (Raskin) Nadler (Pallone) Napolitano (Correa) Payne (Pallone) Pingree (Kuster) Porter (Wexton) Reed (Miller (WV)) Roybal-Allard (Correa) Ruiz (Correa) Rush (Kaptur) Ryan (Kaptur) Schneider (Rice (NY)) Sires (Pallone) Stansbury (Garcia (IL)) Stauber (Bergman) Steube (Cammack) Suozzi (Raskin) Timmons (Murphy (NC)) Tonko (Pallone) Torres (NY) (Meeks) Trahan (Wexton) Velazquez (Meeks) Wagner (Cammack) Walorski (Banks) Waltz (Cammack) Watson Coleman (Pallone) Welch (Raskin) Williams (GA) (Kelly (IL)) Wilson (FL) (Cicilline)

Amendment No. 22 Offered by Ms. Jayapal

The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Kilmer). Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfinished business is the question on amendment No. 22, printed in part D of House Report 117-241, on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the yeas and nays were ordered.

The Clerk will redesignate the amendment.

The Clerk redesignated the amendment.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from Washington (Ms. Jayapal).

The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 181, nays 248, not voting 4, as follows:


Adams Aguilar Allred Auchincloss Barragan Bass Beatty Bera Beyer Bishop (GA) Blumenauer Blunt Rochester Bonamici Bowman Boyle, Brendan F. Brown (MD) Brown (OH) Brownley Bush Butterfield Cardenas Carson Carter (LA) Case Casten Castro (TX) Cherfilus-McCormick Chu Cicilline Clark (MA) Clarke (NY) Cleaver Clyburn Cohen Connolly Cooper Correa Courtney Crow Cuellar Davis, Danny K. Dean DeFazio DeGette DeLauro DelBene DeSaulnier Deutch Dingell Doggett Doyle, Michael F. Escobar Eshoo Espaillat Evans Foster Frankel, Lois Gallego Garamendi Garcia (IL) Garcia (TX) Gomez Green, Al (TX) Grijalva Harder (CA) Hayes Higgins (NY) Himes Horsford Hoyer Huffman Jackson Lee Jacobs (CA) Jayapal Jeffries Johnson (GA) Johnson (TX) Jones Kahele Kaptur Keating Kelly (IL) Khanna Kildee Kilmer Kim (NJ) Kind Kirkpatrick Krishnamoorthi Kuster Langevin Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Lawrence Lawson (FL) Lee (CA) Leger Fernandez Levin (CA) Levin (MI) Lieu Lofgren Lowenthal Lynch Maloney, Carolyn B. Maloney, Sean Manning Matsui McBath McCollum McEachin McGovern McNerney Meeks Meng Mfume Moore (WI) Morelle Nadler Napolitano Neal Neguse Newman Norcross Ocasio-Cortez Omar Pallone Pascrell Payne Perlmutter Phillips Pingree Pocan Porter Pressley Price (NC) Quigley Raskin Ross Roybal-Allard Ruiz Ruppersberger Rush Ryan Sanchez Sarbanes Scanlon Schakowsky Schiff Schneider Scott (VA) Scott, David Sewell Sherman Sires Smith (WA) Soto Speier Stansbury Stevens Suozzi Swalwell Takano Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Titus Tlaib Tonko Torres (CA) Torres (NY) Trahan Underwood Vargas Veasey Velazquez Wasserman Schultz Waters Watson Coleman Welch Williams (GA) Wilson (FL) Yarmuth


Aderholt Allen Amodei Armstrong Arrington Axne Babin Bacon Baird Balderson Banks Bentz Bergman Bice (OK) Biggs Bilirakis Bishop (NC) Boebert Bost Bourdeaux Brady Brooks Buchanan Buck Bucshon Budd Burchett Burgess Bustos Calvert Cammack Carbajal Carey Carl Carter (GA) Carter (TX) Cartwright Castor (FL) Cawthorn Chabot Cheney Cline Cloud Clyde Cole Comer Costa Craig Crawford Crenshaw Crist Curtis Davids (KS) Davidson Davis, Rodney Delgado Demings DesJarlais Diaz-Balart Donalds Duncan Dunn Ellzey Emmer Fallon Feenstra Ferguson Fischbach Fitzgerald Fitzpatrick Fleischmann Fletcher Fortenberry Foxx Franklin, C. Scott Fulcher Gaetz Gallagher Garbarino Garcia (CA) Gibbs Gimenez Golden Gonzales, Tony Gonzalez (OH) Gonzalez, Vicente Good (VA) Gooden (TX) Gosar Gottheimer Granger Graves (LA) Graves (MO) Green (TN) Greene (GA) Griffith Grothman Guest Guthrie Hagedorn Harris Harshbarger Hartzler Hern Herrell Herrera Beutler Hice (GA) Higgins (LA) Hill Hinson Hollingsworth Houlahan Hudson Huizenga Issa Jackson Jacobs (NY) Johnson (LA) Johnson (OH) Johnson (SD) Jordan Joyce (OH) Joyce (PA) Katko Keller Kelly (MS) Kelly (PA) Kim (CA) Kinzinger Kustoff LaHood LaMalfa Lamb Lamborn Latta LaTurner Lee (NV) Lesko Letlow Long Loudermilk Lucas Luetkemeyer Luria Mace Malinowski Malliotakis Mann Massie Mast McCarthy McCaul McClain McClintock McHenry McKinley Meijer Meuser Miller (IL) Miller (WV) Miller-Meeks Moolenaar Mooney Moore (AL) Moore (UT) Moulton Mrvan Mullin Murphy (FL) Murphy (NC) Nehls Newhouse Norman O'Halleran Obernolte Owens Palazzo Palmer Panetta Pappas Pence Perry Peters Pfluger Posey Reed Reschenthaler Rice (NY) Rice (SC) Rodgers (WA) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rose Rosendale Rouzer Roy Rutherford Salazar Scalise Schrader Schrier Schweikert Scott, Austin Sessions Sherrill Simpson Slotkin Smith (MO) Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Smucker Spanberger Spartz Stanton Stauber Steel Stefanik Steil Steube Stewart Strickland Taylor Tenney Thompson (PA) Tiffany Timmons

Trone Turner Upton Valadao Van Drew Van Duyne Wagner Walberg Walorski Waltz Weber (TX) Webster (FL) Wenstrup Westerman Wexton Wild Williams (TX) Wilson (SC) Wittman Womack Young Zeldin


Barr Estes Gohmert Vela

{time} 1732

Messrs. DELGADO, MRVAN, and HUIZENGA changed their vote from ``yea'' to ``nay.''

So the amendment was rejected.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

Members Recorded Pursuant to House Resolution 8, 117th Congress

Adams (Brown (MD)) Allred (Wexton) Armstrong (Murphy (NC)) Axne (Kuster) Baird (Bucshon) Beyer (Raskin) Bishop (NC) (Budd) Bowman (Ocasio-Cortez) Brownley (Kuster) Cardenas (Gomez) Clarke (NY) (Kelly (IL)) Cleaver (Raskin) Crist (Wasserman Schultz) Cuellar (Correa) Davids (KS) (Brown (MD)) Davis, Danny K. (Garcia (IL)) Dean (Evans) DeSaulnier (Raskin) Deutch (Rice (NY)) Doggett (Raskin) Doyle, Michael F. (Evans) Espaillat (Meeks) Estes (Hartzler) Frankel, Lois (Kuster) Gohmert (Weber (TX)) Grijalva (Garcia (IL)) Hagedorn (Carl) Horsford (Evans) Hoyer (Brown (MD)) Hudson (Murphy (NC)) Jacobs (CA) (Correa) Jeffries (Kelly (IL)) Kahele (Case) Keating (Cicilline) Khanna (Gomez) Kim (CA) (Steel) Kinzinger (Herrera Beutler) Kirkpatrick (Pallone) LaMalfa (Rouzer) Lawson (FL) (Evans) Loudermilk (Fleischmann) Lucas (Mullin) Malinowski (Pallone) Maloney, Carolyn B. (Wasserman Schultz) McHenry (Cammack) Meng (Kuster) Moore (WI) (Raskin) Nadler (Pallone) Napolitano (Correa) Payne (Pallone) Pingree (Kuster) Porter (Wexton) Reed (Miller (WV)) Roybal-Allard (Correa) Ruiz (Correa) Rush (Kaptur) Ryan (Kaptur) Schneider (Rice (NY)) Sires (Pallone) Stansbury (Garcia (IL)) Stauber (Bergman) Steube (Cammack) Suozzi (Raskin) Timmons (Murphy (NC)) Tonko (Pallone) Torres (NY) (Meeks) Trahan (Wexton) Velazquez (Meeks) Wagner (Cammack) Walorski (Banks) Waltz (Cammack) Watson Coleman (Pallone) Welch (Raskin) Williams (GA) (Kelly (IL)) Wilson (FL) (Cicilline)

Amendment No. 43 Offered by Mr. Castro of Texas

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfinished business is the question on amendment No. 43, printed in D of House Report 117-241, on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the yeas and nays were ordered.

The Clerk will redesignate the amendment.

The Clerk redesignated the amendment.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Castro).

The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 216, nays 214, not voting 3, as follows:


Adams Aguilar Allred Auchincloss Axne Barragan Bass Beatty Bera Beyer Bishop (GA) Blumenauer Blunt Rochester Bonamici Bourdeaux Bowman Boyle, Brendan F. Brown (MD) Brown (OH) Brownley Bush Bustos Butterfield Carbajal Cardenas Carson Carter (LA) Cartwright Case Casten Castor (FL) Castro (TX) Cherfilus-McCormick Chu Cicilline Clark (MA) Clarke (NY) Cleaver Clyburn Cohen Connolly Cooper Correa Costa Courtney Craig Crist Crow Cuellar Davids (KS) Davis, Danny K. Dean DeFazio DeGette DeLauro DelBene Delgado Demings DeSaulnier Deutch Dingell Doggett Doyle, Michael F. Escobar Eshoo Espaillat Evans Fitzpatrick Fletcher Frankel, Lois Gallego Garamendi Garcia (IL) Garcia (TX) Golden Gomez Gonzalez, Vicente Gottheimer Green, Al (TX) Grijalva Harder (CA) Hayes Higgins (NY) Himes Horsford Houlahan Hoyer Huffman Jackson Lee Jacobs (CA) Jayapal Jeffries Johnson (GA) Johnson (TX) Jones Kahele Kaptur Katko Keating Kelly (IL) Khanna Kildee Kilmer Kim (NJ) Kind Kirkpatrick Krishnamoorthi Kuster Lamb Langevin Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Lawrence Lawson (FL) Lee (CA) Lee (NV) Leger Fernandez Levin (CA) Levin (MI) Lieu Lofgren Lowenthal Lynch Malinowski Maloney, Carolyn B. Maloney, Sean Manning Matsui McBath McCollum McEachin McGovern McNerney Meeks Meng Mfume Moore (WI) Morelle Moulton Mrvan Murphy (FL) Nadler Napolitano Neal Neguse Newman Norcross O'Halleran Ocasio-Cortez Omar Pallone Panetta Pascrell Payne Perlmutter Peters Phillips Pingree Pocan Porter Pressley Price (NC) Quigley Raskin Rice (NY) Ross Roybal-Allard Ruiz Ruppersberger Rush Ryan Sanchez Sarbanes Scanlon Schakowsky Schiff Schneider Schrader Scott (VA) Scott, David Sewell Sherman Sherrill Sires Smith (WA) Soto Speier Stansbury Stanton Stevens Strickland Suozzi Swalwell Takano Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Titus Tlaib Tonko Torres (CA) Torres (NY) Trahan Trone Underwood Vargas Veasey Vela Velazquez Wasserman Schultz Waters Watson Coleman Welch Wexton Williams (GA) Wilson (FL) Yarmuth


Aderholt Allen Amodei Armstrong Babin Bacon Baird Balderson Banks Barr Bentz Bergman Bice (OK) Biggs Bilirakis Bishop (NC) Boebert Bost Brady Brooks Buck Bucshon Budd Burchett Burgess Calvert Cammack Carey Carl Carter (GA) Carter (TX) Cawthorn Chabot Cheney Cline Cloud Clyde Cole Comer Crawford Crenshaw Curtis Davidson Davis, Rodney DesJarlais Diaz-Balart Donalds Duncan Dunn Ellzey Emmer Fallon Feenstra Ferguson Fischbach Fitzgerald Fleischmann Fortenberry Foster Foxx Franklin, C. Scott Fulcher Gaetz Gallagher Garbarino Garcia (CA) Gibbs Gimenez Gohmert Gonzales, Tony Gonzalez (OH) Good (VA) Gooden (TX) Gosar Granger Graves (LA) Graves (MO) Green (TN) Greene (GA) Griffith Grothman Guest Guthrie Hagedorn Harris Harshbarger Hartzler Hern Herrell Herrera Beutler Hice (GA) Higgins (LA) Hill Hinson Hollingsworth Hudson Huizenga Issa Jackson Jacobs (NY) Johnson (LA) Johnson (OH) Johnson (SD) Jordan Joyce (OH) Joyce (PA) Keller Kelly (MS) Kelly (PA) Kim (CA) Kinzinger Kustoff LaHood LaMalfa Lamborn Latta LaTurner Lesko Letlow Long Loudermilk Lucas Luetkemeyer Luria Mace Malliotakis Mann Massie Mast McCarthy McCaul McClain McClintock McHenry McKinley Meijer Meuser Miller (IL) Miller (WV) Miller-Meeks Moolenaar Mooney Moore (AL) Moore (UT) Mullin Murphy (NC) Nehls Newhouse Norman Obernolte Owens Palazzo Palmer Pappas Pence Perry Pfluger Posey Reed Reschenthaler Rice (SC) Rodgers (WA) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rose Rosendale Rouzer Roy Rutherford Salazar Scalise Schrier Schweikert Scott, Austin Sessions Simpson Slotkin Smith (MO) Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Smucker Spanberger Spartz Stauber Steel Stefanik Steil Steube Stewart Taylor Tenney Thompson (PA) Tiffany Timmons Turner Upton Valadao Van Drew Van Duyne Wagner Walberg Walorski Waltz Weber (TX) Webster (FL) Wenstrup Westerman Wild Williams (TX) Wilson (SC) Wittman Womack Young Zeldin


Arrington Buchanan Estes

{time} 1750

So the amendment was agreed to.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

Members Recorded Pursuant to House Resolution 8, 117th Congress

Adams (Brown (MD)) Allred (Wexton) Armstrong (Murphy (NC)) Axne (Kuster) Baird (Bucshon) Beyer (Raskin) Bishop (NC) (Budd) Bowman (Ocasio-Cortez) Brownley (Kuster) Buchanan (Cammack) Cardenas (Gomez) Clarke (NY) (Kelly (IL)) Cleaver (Raskin) Crist (Wasserman Schultz) Cuellar (Correa) Davids (KS) (Brown (MD)) Davis, Danny K. (Garcia (IL)) Dean (Evans) DeSaulnier (Raskin) Deutch (Rice (NY)) Doggett (Raskin) Doyle, Michael F. (Evans) Espaillat (Meeks) Frankel, Lois (Kuster) Gohmert (Weber (TX)) Grijalva (Garcia (IL)) Hagedorn (Carl) Horsford (Evans) Hoyer (Brown (MD)) Hudson (Murphy (NC)) Jacobs (CA) (Correa) Jeffries (Kelly (IL)) Kahele (Case) Keating (Cicilline) Khanna (Gomez) Kim (CA) (Steel) Kinzinger (Herrera Beutler) Kirkpatrick (Pallone) LaMalfa (Rouzer) Lawson (FL) (Evans) Long (Fleischmann) Loudermilk (Fleischmann) Lucas (Mullin) Malinowski (Pallone) Maloney, Carolyn B. (Wasserman Schultz) McHenry (Cammack) Meng (Kuster) Moore (WI) (Raskin) Nadler (Pallone) Napolitano (Correa) Payne (Pallone) Pingree (Kuster) Porter (Wexton) Reed (Miller (WV)) Roybal-Allard (Correa) Ruiz (Correa) Rush (Kaptur) Ryan (Kaptur) Schneider (Rice (NY)) Sires (Pallone) Stansbury (Garcia (IL)) Stauber (Bergman) Steube (Cammack) Suozzi (Raskin) Timmons (Murphy (NC)) Tonko (Pallone) Torres (NY) (Meeks) Trahan (Wexton) Velazquez (Meeks) Wagner (Cammack)

Walorski (Banks) Waltz (Cammack) Watson Coleman (Pallone) Welch (Raskin) Williams (GA) (Kelly (IL)) Wilson (FL) (Cicilline)

Amendment No. 56 Offered by Mr. Crenshaw of texas

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfinished business is the question on amendment No. 56, printed in part D of House Report 117-241, on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the yeas and nays were ordered.

The Clerk will redesignate the amendment.

The Clerk redesignated the amendment.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Crenshaw).

The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 264, nays 163, not voting 6, as follows:


Aderholt Allen Amodei Armstrong Arrington Axne Babin Bacon Baird Balderson Banks Barr Bentz Bergman Bice (OK) Bilirakis Bishop (GA) Bishop (NC) Blunt Rochester Bost Bourdeaux Brady Brooks Buchanan Buck Bucshon Budd Burchett Burgess Calvert Cammack Carbajal Carey Carl Carter (GA) Carter (TX) Cartwright Case Cawthorn Chabot Cheney Cloud Clyde Cohen Cole Comer Connolly Costa Courtney Craig Crawford Crenshaw Crist Crow Curtis Davids (KS) Davidson Davis, Rodney DeFazio Delgado Demings DesJarlais Diaz-Balart Donalds Duncan Dunn Ellzey Emmer Fallon Feenstra Ferguson Fischbach Fitzgerald Fitzpatrick Fleischmann Fletcher Fortenberry Foster Foxx Franklin, C. Scott Fulcher Gaetz Gallagher Garamendi Garbarino Garcia (CA) Gimenez Gohmert Golden Gonzales, Tony Gonzalez (OH) Gonzalez, Vicente Gooden (TX) Gosar Gottheimer Granger Graves (LA) Graves (MO) Green (TN) Green, Al (TX) Griffith Grothman Guest Guthrie Hagedorn Harder (CA) Harris Harshbarger Hartzler Hern Herrell Herrera Beutler Hill Himes Hinson Hollingsworth Horsford Houlahan Hudson Huizenga Issa Jackson Jackson Lee Jacobs (NY) Johnson (OH) Johnson (SD) Jordan Joyce (OH) Joyce (PA) Katko Keller Kelly (MS) Kelly (PA) Kildee Kilmer Kim (CA) Kinzinger Kuster Kustoff LaHood Lamb Lamborn Latta LaTurner Lawson (FL) Lee (NV) Leger Fernandez Lesko Letlow Levin (CA) Levin (MI) Lofgren Long Loudermilk Lucas Luetkemeyer Luria Mace Malinowski Malliotakis Maloney, Sean Mann Manning Mast McCarthy McCaul McClain McClintock McHenry McKinley Meijer Meuser Miller (WV) Miller-Meeks Moolenaar Mooney Moore (AL) Moore (UT) Moulton Mrvan Mullin Murphy (FL) Murphy (NC) Newhouse Norman O'Halleran Obernolte Owens Palazzo Palmer Panetta Pappas Pence Perlmutter Peters Pfluger Phillips Porter Posey Quigley Reed Reschenthaler Rice (SC) Rodgers (WA) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rose Rosendale Ross Rouzer Roybal-Allard Rutherford Salazar Scalise Schakowsky Schrader Schrier Schweikert Scott, Austin Sessions Sherrill Simpson Slotkin Smith (MO) Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Smucker Spanberger Spartz Stanton Stauber Steel Stefanik Steil Steube Stewart Strickland Taylor Tenney Thompson (PA) Timmons Trone Turner Upton Valadao Van Drew Van Duyne Vela Wagner Walberg Walorski Waltz Weber (TX) Webster (FL) Welch Wenstrup Westerman Wexton Wild Williams (TX) Wilson (SC) Womack Young Zeldin


Adams Aguilar Allred Auchincloss Barragan Bass Beatty Bera Beyer Biggs Blumenauer Boebert Bonamici Bowman Boyle, Brendan F. Brown (MD) Brown (OH) Brownley Bush Bustos Butterfield Cardenas Carson Carter (LA) Casten Castor (FL) Castro (TX) Cherfilus-McCormick Chu Cicilline Clark (MA) Clarke (NY) Cleaver Cline Clyburn Cooper Correa Cuellar Davis, Danny K. Dean DeGette DeLauro DelBene DeSaulnier Deutch Dingell Doggett Doyle, Michael F. Escobar Eshoo Espaillat Evans Frankel, Lois Gallego Garcia (IL) Garcia (TX) Gibbs Gomez Good (VA) Greene (GA) Grijalva Hayes Hice (GA) Higgins (LA) Higgins (NY) Hoyer Huffman Jacobs (CA) Jayapal Jeffries Johnson (GA) Johnson (TX) Jones Kahele Kaptur Keating Kelly (IL) Khanna Kim (NJ) Kind Kirkpatrick Krishnamoorthi Langevin Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Lawrence Lee (CA) Lieu Lowenthal Lynch Maloney, Carolyn B. Massie Matsui McBath McCollum McEachin McGovern McNerney Meeks Meng Mfume Moore (WI) Morelle Nadler Napolitano Neal Neguse Nehls Newman Norcross Ocasio-Cortez Omar Pallone Pascrell Payne Perry Pingree Pocan Pressley Price (NC) Raskin Rice (NY) Roy Ruiz Ruppersberger Rush Ryan Sanchez Sarbanes Scanlon Schiff Schneider Scott (VA) Scott, David Sewell Sherman Sires Smith (WA) Soto Speier Stansbury Stevens Suozzi Swalwell Takano Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Tiffany Titus Tlaib Tonko Torres (CA) Torres (NY) Trahan Underwood Vargas Veasey Velazquez Wasserman Schultz Waters Watson Coleman Williams (GA) Wilson (FL)


Estes Johnson (LA) LaMalfa Miller (IL) Wittman Yarmuth

{time} 1811

Mr. KAHELE changed his vote from ``yea'' to ``nay.''

Messrs. GREEN of Texas, GOTTHEIMER, Mses. JACKSON LEE, and LEDGER FERNANDEZ changed their vote from ``nay'' to ``yea.''

So the amendment was agreed to.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

members recorded pursuant to house resolution 8, 117th congress

Adams (Brown (MD))

Allred (Wexton)

Armstrong (Murphy (NC))

Axne (Kuster)

Baird (Bucshon)

Beyer (Raskin)

Bishop (NC) (Budd)

Bowman (Ocasio-Cortez)

Brownley (Kuster)

Buchanan (Cammack)

Cardenas (Gomez)

Clarke (NY) (Kelly (IL))

Cleaver (Raskin)

Crist (Wasserman Schultz)

Cuellar (Correa)

Davids (KS) (Brown (MD))

Davis, Danny K. (Garcia (IL))

Dean (Evans)

DeSaulnier (Raskin)

Deutch (Rice (NY))

Doggett (Raskin)

Doyle, Michael F. (Evans)

Espaillat (Meeks)

Frankel, Lois (Kuster)

Gohmert (Weber (TX))

Grijalva (Garcia (IL))

Hagedorn (Carl)

Horsford (Evans)

Hoyer (Brown (MD))

Hudson (Murphy (NC))

Jacobs (CA) (Correa)

Jeffries (Kelly (IL))

Kahele (Case)

Keating (Cicilline)

Khanna (Gomez)

Kim (CA) (Steel)

Kinzinger (Herrera Beutler)

Kirkpatrick (Pallone)

LaMalfa (Rouzer)

Lawson (FL) (Evans)

Long (Fleischmann)

Loudermilk (Fleischmann)

Lucas (Mullin)

Malinowski (Pallone)

Maloney, Carolyn B. (Wasserman Schultz)

McHenry (Cammack)

Meng (Kuster)

Moore (WI) (Raskin)

Moulton (Wexton)

Nadler (Pallone)

Napolitano (Correa)

Payne (Pallone)

Pingree (Kuster)

Porter (Wexton)

Reed (Miller (WV))

Roybal-Allard (Correa)

Ruiz (Correa)

Rush (Kaptur)

Ryan (Kaptur)

Schneider (Rice (NY))

Sires (Pallone)

Stansbury (Garcia (IL))

Stauber (Bergman)

Steube (Cammack)

Suozzi (Raskin)

Timmons (Murphy (NC))

Tonko (Pallone)

Torres (NY) (Meeks)

Trahan (Wexton)

Velazquez (Meeks)

Wagner (Cammack)

Walorski (Banks)

Waltz (Cammack)

Watson Coleman (Pallone)

Welch (Raskin)

Williams (GA) (Kelly (IL))

Wilson (FL) (Cicilline)

Amendment No. 89 Offered by Mr. Garamendi

The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Aguilar). Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfinished business is the question on amendment No. 89, printed in part D of House Report 117-241, on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the yeas and nays were ordered.

The Clerk will redesignate the amendment.

The Clerk redesignated the amendment.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from California (Mr. Garamendi).

The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 367, nays 59, not voting 7, as follows:


Adams Aderholt Aguilar Allen Allred Amodei Armstrong Axne Bacon Baird Balderson Banks Barr Barragan Bass Beatty Bentz Bera Bergman Beyer Bice (OK) Bilirakis Bishop (GA) Bishop (NC) Blumenauer Blunt Rochester Bonamici Bost Bourdeaux Bowman Boyle, Brendan F. Brady Brown (MD) Brown (OH) Brownley Buchanan Buck Bucshon Budd Bush Bustos Butterfield Calvert Cammack Carbajal Cardenas Carey Carson Carter (GA) Carter (LA) Cartwright Case Casten Castor (FL) Castro (TX) Chabot Cheney Cherfilus-McCormick Chu Cicilline Clark (MA) Clarke (NY) Cleaver Cloud

Clyburn Cohen Cole Connolly Cooper Correa Costa Courtney Craig Crawford Crist Crow Cuellar Curtis Davids (KS) Davis, Danny K. Davis, Rodney Dean DeFazio DeGette DeLauro DelBene Delgado Demings DeSaulnier DesJarlais Deutch Diaz-Balart Dingell Doggett Doyle, Michael F. Duncan Dunn Ellzey Emmer Escobar Eshoo Espaillat Evans Feenstra Ferguson Fischbach Fitzgerald Fitzpatrick Fleischmann Fletcher Fortenberry Foster Foxx Frankel, Lois Fulcher Gaetz Gallego Garamendi Garbarino Garcia (CA) Garcia (IL) Garcia (TX) Gibbs Gohmert Golden Gomez Gonzales, Tony Gonzalez (OH) Gonzalez, Vicente Gottheimer Granger Graves (LA) Graves (MO) Green, Al (TX) Grijalva Grothman Guest Guthrie Hagedorn Harder (CA) Harris Hartzler Hayes Herrell Herrera Beutler Higgins (NY) Hill Himes Hinson Horsford Houlahan Hoyer Hudson Huffman Huizenga Issa Jackson Lee Jacobs (CA) Jacobs (NY) Jayapal Jeffries Johnson (GA) Johnson (LA) Johnson (OH) Johnson (SD) Johnson (TX) Jones Joyce (OH) Joyce (PA) Kahele Kaptur Katko Keating Keller Kelly (IL) Kelly (MS) Kelly (PA) Khanna Kildee Kilmer Kim (CA) Kim (NJ) Kind Kinzinger Kirkpatrick Krishnamoorthi Kustoff LaHood LaMalfa Lamb Langevin Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Latta LaTurner Lawrence Lawson (FL) Lee (CA) Lee (NV) Leger Fernandez Lesko Letlow Levin (CA) Levin (MI) Lieu Lofgren Long Lowenthal Lucas Luetkemeyer Lynch Malinowski Malliotakis Maloney, Carolyn B. Maloney, Sean Mann Manning Matsui McBath McCarthy McCaul McClain McCollum McEachin McGovern McKinley McNerney Meeks Meijer Meng Meuser Mfume Miller (IL) Miller (WV) Miller-Meeks Moolenaar Mooney Moore (UT) Moore (WI) Morelle Moulton Mrvan Mullin Murphy (FL) Murphy (NC) Nadler Napolitano Neal Neguse Newhouse Newman Norcross Norman O'Halleran Obernolte Ocasio-Cortez Omar Owens Palazzo Pallone Panetta Pappas Pascrell Payne Pence Perlmutter Peters Pfluger Phillips Pingree Pocan Porter Pressley Price (NC) Quigley Raskin Reed Reschenthaler Rice (NY) Rice (SC) Rodgers (WA) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rose Ross Roybal-Allard Ruiz Ruppersberger Rush Ryan Sanchez Sarbanes Scalise Scanlon Schakowsky Schiff Schneider Schrader Schrier Scott (VA) Scott, Austin Scott, David Sewell Sherman Sherrill Simpson Sires Slotkin Smith (MO) Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Smith (WA) Smucker Soto Spanberger Spartz Speier Stansbury Stanton Stauber Steel Stefanik Steil Stevens Stewart Strickland Suozzi Swalwell Takano Taylor Tenney Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Thompson (PA) Tiffany Titus Tlaib Tonko Torres (CA) Torres (NY) Trahan Trone Turner Underwood Upton Valadao Van Drew Van Duyne Vargas Veasey Vela Velazquez Wagner Walberg Walorski Wasserman Schultz Watson Coleman Welch Wenstrup Westerman Wexton Wild Williams (GA) Wilson (FL) Womack Young Zeldin


Arrington Auchincloss Babin Biggs Boebert Brooks Burchett Burgess Carl Carter (TX) Cline Clyde Comer Crenshaw Davidson Donalds Fallon Franklin, C. Scott Gallagher Gimenez Good (VA) Gooden (TX) Gosar Green (TN) Greene (GA) Griffith Harshbarger Hern Hice (GA) Higgins (LA) Hollingsworth Jackson Jordan Loudermilk Luria Mace Massie Mast McClintock McHenry Moore (AL) Nehls Palmer Perry Posey Rosendale Rouzer Roy Rutherford Salazar Schweikert Sessions Steube Timmons Waltz Weber (TX) Webster (FL) Williams (TX) Wilson (SC)


Cawthorn Estes Kuster Lamborn Waters Wittman Yarmuth

{time} 1828

So the amendment was agreed to.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

Members Recorded Pursuant to House Resolution 8, 117th Congress

Adams (Brown (MD)) Allred (Wexton) Armstrong (Murphy (NC)) Axne (Kuster) Baird (Bucshon) Beyer (Raskin) Bishop (NC) (Budd) Bowman (Ocasio-Cortez) Brownley (Kuster) Buchanan (Cammack) Cardenas (Gomez) Clarke (NY) (Kelly (IL)) Cleaver (Raskin) Crist (Wasserman Schultz) Cuellar (Correa) Davids (KS) (Brown (MD)) Davis, Danny K. (Garcia (IL)) Dean (Evans) DeSaulnier (Raskin) Deutch (Rice (NY)) Doggett (Raskin) Doyle, Michael F. (Evans) Espaillat (Meeks) Frankel, Lois (Kuster) Gohmert (Weber (TX)) Grijalva (Garcia (IL)) Hagedorn (Carl) Horsford (Evans) Hoyer (Brown (MD)) Hudson (Murphy (NC)) Jacobs (CA) (Correa) Jeffries (Kelly (IL)) Kahele (Case) Keating (Cicilline) Khanna (Gomez) Kim (CA) (Steel) Kinzinger (Herrera Beutler) Kirkpatrick (Pallone) LaMalfa (Rouzer) Lawson (FL) (Evans) Loudermilk (Fleischmann) Lucas (Mullin) Malinowski (Pallone) Maloney, Carolyn B. (Wasserman Schultz) McHenry (Cammack) Meng (Kuster) Moore (WI) (Raskin) Moulton (Wexton) Nadler (Pallone) Napolitano (Correa) Payne (Pallone) Pingree (Kuster) Porter (Wexton) Reed (Miller (WV)) Roybal-Allard (Correa) Ruiz (Correa) Rush (Kaptur) Ryan (Kaptur) Schneider (Rice (NY)) Sires (Pallone) Stansbury (Garcia (IL)) Stauber (Bergman) Steube (Cammack) Suozzi (Raskin) Timmons (Murphy (NC)) Tonko (Pallone) Torres (NY) (Meeks) Trahan (Wexton) Velazquez (Meeks) Wagner (Cammack) Walorski (Banks) Waltz (Cammack) Watson Coleman (Pallone) Welch (Raskin) Williams (GA) (Kelly (IL)) Wilson (FL) (Cicilline)

Amendment No. 124 Offered by Ms. Jayapal

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfinished business is the question on amendment No. 124, printed in part D of House Report 117-241, on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the yeas and nays were ordered.

The Clerk will redesignate the amendment.

The Clerk redesignated the amendment.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from Washington (Ms. Jayapal).

The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 175, nays 255, not voting 3, as follows:


Adams Aguilar Allred Auchincloss Barragan Bass Beatty Bera Beyer Bishop (GA) Blumenauer Blunt Rochester Bonamici Bourdeaux Bowman Boyle, Brendan F. Brown (MD) Brown (OH) Brownley Bush Butterfield Cardenas Carson Carter (LA) Casten Castor (FL) Castro (TX) Cherfilus-McCormick Chu Cicilline Clark (MA) Clarke (NY) Cleaver Clyburn Connolly Cooper Correa Courtney Cuellar Davids (KS) Davis, Danny K. Dean DeFazio DeGette DeLauro DelBene DeSaulnier Deutch Dingell Doggett Doyle, Michael F. Escobar Eshoo Espaillat Evans Foster Frankel, Lois Gallego Garamendi Garcia (IL) Garcia (TX) Gomez Green, Al (TX) Grijalva Harder (CA) Hayes Higgins (NY) Hoyer Huffman Jackson Lee Jacobs (CA) Jayapal Jeffries Johnson (GA) Johnson (TX) Jones Kahele Kaptur Keating Kelly (IL) Khanna Kilmer Kim (NJ) Kirkpatrick Krishnamoorthi Kuster Langevin Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Lawrence Lawson (FL) Lee (CA) Leger Fernandez Levin (CA) Levin (MI) Lieu Lofgren Lowenthal Lynch Malinowski Maloney, Carolyn B. Matsui McBath McCollum McEachin McGovern McNerney Meeks Meng Mfume Moore (WI) Morelle Moulton Nadler Napolitano Neal Neguse Newman Norcross Ocasio-Cortez Omar Pallone Pascrell Payne Perlmutter Phillips Pingree Pocan Porter Pressley Price (NC) Quigley Raskin Ross Roybal-Allard Ruiz Ruppersberger Rush Ryan Sanchez Sarbanes Scanlon Schakowsky Schiff Schneider Scott (VA) Scott, David Sewell Sherman Sires Smith (WA) Soto Speier Stansbury Stevens Swalwell Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Titus Tlaib Tonko Torres (CA) Torres (NY) Trahan Underwood Vargas Veasey Velazquez Wasserman Schultz Waters Watson Coleman Welch Williams (GA) Wilson (FL) Yarmuth


Aderholt Allen Amodei Armstrong Arrington Axne Babin Bacon Baird Balderson Banks Barr Bentz Bergman Bice (OK) Biggs Bilirakis Bishop (NC) Boebert Bost Brady Brooks Buchanan Buck Bucshon Budd Burchett Burgess Bustos Calvert Cammack Carbajal Carey Carl Carter (GA) Carter (TX) Cartwright Case Cawthorn Chabot Cheney Cline Cloud Clyde Cohen Cole Comer Costa Craig Crawford Crenshaw Crist Crow Curtis Davidson Davis, Rodney Delgado Demings DesJarlais Diaz-Balart Donalds Duncan Dunn Ellzey Emmer Fallon Feenstra Ferguson Fischbach Fitzgerald Fitzpatrick Fleischmann Fletcher Fortenberry Foxx

Franklin, C. Scott Fulcher Gaetz Gallagher Garbarino Garcia (CA) Gibbs Gimenez Gohmert Golden Gonzales, Tony Gonzalez (OH) Good (VA) Gooden (TX) Gosar Gottheimer Granger Graves (LA) Graves (MO) Green (TN) Greene (GA) Griffith Grothman Guest Guthrie Hagedorn Harris Harshbarger Hartzler Hern Herrell Herrera Beutler Hice (GA) Higgins (LA) Hill Himes Hinson Hollingsworth Horsford Houlahan Hudson Huizenga Issa Jackson Jacobs (NY) Johnson (LA) Johnson (OH) Johnson (SD) Jordan Joyce (OH) Joyce (PA) Katko Keller Kelly (MS) Kelly (PA) Kildee Kim (CA) Kind Kinzinger Kustoff LaHood LaMalfa Lamb Lamborn Latta LaTurner Lee (NV) Lesko Letlow Long Loudermilk Lucas Luetkemeyer Luria Mace Malliotakis Maloney, Sean Mann Manning Massie Mast McCarthy McCaul McClain McClintock McHenry McKinley Meijer Meuser Miller (IL) Miller (WV) Miller-Meeks Moolenaar Mooney Moore (AL) Moore (UT) Mrvan Mullin Murphy (FL) Murphy (NC) Nehls Newhouse Norman O'Halleran Obernolte Owens Palazzo Palmer Panetta Pappas Pence Perry Peters Pfluger Posey Reed Reschenthaler Rice (NY) Rice (SC) Rodgers (WA) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rose Rosendale Rouzer Roy Rutherford Salazar Scalise Schrader Schrier Schweikert Scott, Austin Sessions Sherrill Simpson Slotkin Smith (MO) Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Smucker Spanberger Spartz Stanton Stauber Steel Stefanik Steil Steube Stewart Strickland Suozzi Taylor Tenney Thompson (PA) Tiffany Timmons Trone Turner Upton Valadao Van Drew Van Duyne Vela Wagner Walberg Walorski Waltz Weber (TX) Webster (FL) Wenstrup Westerman Wexton Wild Williams (TX) Wilson (SC) Wittman Womack Young Zeldin


Estes Gonzalez, Vicente Takano

{time} 1847

Messrs. SUOZZI, SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of New York, and Ms. WILD changed their vote from ``yea'' to ``nay.''

So the amendment was rejected.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

Members Recorded Pursuant to House Resolution 8, 117th Congress

Adams (Brown (MD)) Allred (Wexton) Armstrong (Murphy (NC)) Axne (Kuster) Baird (Bucshon) Beyer (Raskin) Bishop (NC) (Budd) Bowman (Ocasio-Cortez) Brownley (Kuster) Buchanan (Cammack) Cardenas (Gomez) Clarke (NY) (Kelly (IL)) Cleaver (Raskin) Crist (Wasserman Schultz) Cuellar (Correa) Davids (KS) (Brown (MD)) Davis, Danny K. (Garcia (IL)) Dean (Evans) DeSaulnier (Raskin) Deutch (Rice (NY)) Doggett (Raskin) Doyle, Michael F. (Evans) Espaillat (Meeks) Frankel, Lois (Kuster) Gohmert (Weber (TX)) Grijalva (Garcia (IL)) Hagedorn (Carl) Horsford (Evans) Hoyer (Brown (MD)) Hudson (Murphy (NC)) Jacobs (CA) (Correa) Jeffries (Kelly (IL)) Kahele (Case) Keating (Cicilline) Khanna (Gomez) Kim (CA) (Steel) Kinzinger (Herrera Beutler) Kirkpatrick (Pallone) LaMalfa (Rouzer) Lawson (FL) (Evans) Long (Fleischmann) Loudermilk (Fleischmann) Lucas (Mullin) Malinowski (Pallone) Maloney, Carolyn B. (Wasserman Schultz) McHenry (Cammack) Meng (Kuster) Moore (WI) (Raskin) Moulton (Wexton) Nadler (Pallone) Napolitano (Correa) Payne (Pallone) Pingree (Kuster) Porter (Wexton) Reed (Miller (WV)) Roybal-Allard (Correa) Ruiz (Correa) Rush (Kaptur) Ryan (Kaptur) Schneider (Rice (NY)) Sires (Pallone) Stansbury (Garcia (IL)) Stauber (Bergman) Steube (Cammack) Suozzi (Raskin) Timmons (Murphy (NC)) Tonko (Pallone) Torres (NY) (Meeks) Trahan (Wexton) Velazquez (Meeks) Wagner (Cammack) Walorski (Banks) Waltz (Cammack) Watson Coleman (Pallone) Welch (Raskin) Williams (GA) (Kelly (IL)) Wilson (FL) (Cicilline)

Amendment No. 131 offered by Mrs. Bice of Oklahoma

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfinished business is the question on amendment No. 131, printed in part D of House Report 117-124, on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the yeas and nays were ordered.

The Clerk will redesignate the amendment.

The Clerk redesignated the amendment.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from Oklahoma (Mrs. Bice).

The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 279, nays 153, not voting 1, as follows:


Aderholt Allen Allred Amodei Armstrong Arrington Axne Babin Bacon Baird Balderson Banks Barr Bentz Bera Bergman Bice (OK) Biggs Bilirakis Bishop (NC) Blunt Rochester Boebert Bost Bourdeaux Brady Brooks Brownley Buchanan Buck Bucshon Budd Burchett Burgess Bustos Calvert Cammack Carbajal Carey Carl Carson Carter (GA) Carter (TX) Case Cawthorn Chabot Cheney Cicilline Cline Cloud Clyde Cole Comer Costa Courtney Craig Crawford Crenshaw Crist Crow Curtis Davids (KS) Davidson Davis, Rodney Delgado Demings DesJarlais Diaz-Balart Dingell Donalds Duncan Dunn Ellzey Emmer Fallon Feenstra Ferguson Fischbach Fitzgerald Fitzpatrick Fleischmann Fletcher Fortenberry Franklin, C. Scott Fulcher Gaetz Gallagher Gallego Garbarino Garcia (CA) Gibbs Gimenez Gohmert Golden Gonzales, Tony Gonzalez (OH) Gonzalez, Vicente Good (VA) Gooden (TX) Gosar Gottheimer Granger Graves (LA) Graves (MO) Green (TN) Griffith Grothman Guest Guthrie Hagedorn Harder (CA) Harris Harshbarger Hartzler Hayes Hern Herrell Herrera Beutler Hice (GA) Higgins (LA) Hill Himes Hinson Hollingsworth Houlahan Hudson Huizenga Issa Jackson Jacobs (NY) Johnson (LA) Johnson (OH) Johnson (SD) Jordan Joyce (OH) Joyce (PA) Katko Keating Keller Kelly (MS) Kelly (PA) Kildee Kilmer Kim (CA) Kim (NJ) Kind Kinzinger Kuster Kustoff LaHood LaMalfa Lamb Lamborn Langevin Latta LaTurner Lawson (FL) Lee (NV) Lesko Letlow Levin (CA) Lieu Long Loudermilk Lowenthal Lucas Luetkemeyer Luria Lynch Mace Malliotakis Mann Manning Massie Mast McBath McCarthy McCaul McClain McClintock McHenry McKinley Meijer Meuser Miller (IL) Miller (WV) Miller-Meeks Moolenaar Mooney Moore (AL) Moore (UT) Mullin Murphy (FL) Murphy (NC) Neguse Nehls Newhouse Norman O'Halleran Obernolte Owens Palazzo Palmer Panetta Pappas Pence Perry Peters Pfluger Phillips Pingree Porter Posey Reed Reschenthaler Rice (NY) Rice (SC) Rodgers (WA) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rose Rosendale Rouzer Rutherford Salazar Scalise Schneider Schrader Schrier Schweikert Scott, Austin Sessions Sewell Sherrill Simpson Slotkin Smith (MO) Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Smucker Soto Spanberger Spartz Stanton Stauber Steel Stefanik Steil Stewart Taylor Tenney Thompson (PA) Tiffany Timmons Trone Turner Underwood Upton Valadao Van Drew Van Duyne Veasey Vela Wagner Walberg Walorski Waltz Weber (TX) Webster (FL) Welch Wenstrup Westerman Wexton Wild Williams (TX) Wilson (SC) Wittman Womack Young Zeldin


Adams Aguilar Auchincloss Barragan Bass Beatty Beyer Bishop (GA) Blumenauer Bonamici Bowman Boyle, Brendan F. Brown (MD) Brown (OH) Bush Butterfield Cardenas Carter (LA) Cartwright Casten Castor (FL) Castro (TX) Cherfilus-McCormick Chu Clark (MA) Clarke (NY) Cleaver Clyburn Cohen Connolly Cooper Correa Cuellar Davis, Danny K. Dean DeFazio DeGette DeLauro DelBene DeSaulnier Deutch Doggett Doyle, Michael F. Escobar Eshoo Espaillat Evans Foster Foxx Frankel, Lois Garamendi Garcia (IL) Garcia (TX) Gomez Green, Al (TX) Greene (GA) Grijalva Higgins (NY) Horsford Hoyer Huffman Jackson Lee Jacobs (CA) Jayapal Jeffries Johnson (GA) Johnson (TX) Jones Kahele Kaptur Kelly (IL) Khanna Kirkpatrick Krishnamoorthi Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Lawrence Lee (CA) Leger Fernandez Levin (MI) Lofgren Malinowski Maloney, Carolyn B. Maloney, Sean Matsui McCollum McEachin McGovern McNerney Meeks Meng Mfume Moore (WI) Morelle Moulton Mrvan Nadler Napolitano Neal Newman Norcross Ocasio-Cortez Omar Pallone Pascrell Payne Perlmutter Pocan Pressley Price (NC) Quigley Raskin Ross Roy Roybal-Allard Ruiz Ruppersberger Rush Ryan Sanchez Sarbanes Scanlon Schakowsky Schiff Scott (VA) Scott, David Sherman Sires Smith (WA) Speier Stansbury Steube Stevens Strickland Suozzi Swalwell Takano Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Titus

Tlaib Tonko Torres (CA) Torres (NY) Trahan Vargas Velazquez Wasserman

Schultz Waters Watson Coleman Williams (GA) Wilson (FL) Yarmuth



{time} 1908

Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ and Mr. YARMUTH changed their vote from ``yea'' to ``nay.''

Messrs. COURTNEY and PFLUGER changed their vote from ``nay'' to


So the amendment was agreed to.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

Members Recorded Pursuant to House Resolution 8, 117th Congress

Adams (Brown (MD)) Allred (Wexton) Armstrong (Murphy (NC)) Axne (Kuster) Baird (Bucshon) Beyer (Raskin) Bishop (NC) (Budd) Bowman (Ocasio-Cortez) Brownley (Kuster) Buchanan (Cammack) Cardenas (Gomez) Clarke (NY) (Kelly (IL)) Cleaver (Raskin) Crist (Wasserman Schultz) Cuellar (Correa) Davids (KS) (Brown (MD)) Davis, Danny K. (Garcia (IL)) Dean (Evans) DeSaulnier (Raskin) Deutch (Rice (NY)) Doggett (Raskin) Doyle, Michael F. (Evans) Espaillat (Meeks) Frankel, Lois (Kuster) Gohmert (Weber (TX)) Grijalva (Garcia (IL)) Hagedorn (Carl) Horsford (Evans) Hoyer (Brown (MD)) Hudson (Murphy (NC)) Jacobs (CA) (Correa) Jeffries (Kelly (IL)) Kahele (Case) Keating (Cicilline) Khanna (Gomez) Kim (CA) (Steel) Kinzinger (Herrera Beutler) Kirkpatrick (Pallone) LaMalfa (Rouzer) Lawson (FL) (Evans) Loudermilk (Fleischmann) Lucas (Mullin) Malinowski (Pallone) Maloney, Carolyn B. (Wasserman Schultz) McHenry (Cammack) Meng (Kuster) Moore (WI) (Raskin) Moulton (Wexton) Nadler (Pallone) Napolitano (Correa) Payne (Pallone) Pingree (Kuster) Porter (Wexton) Reed (Miller (WV)) Roybal-Allard (Correa) Ruiz (Correa) Rush (Kaptur) Ryan (Kaptur) Schneider (Rice (NY)) Sires (Pallone) Stansbury (Garcia (IL)) Stauber (Bergman) Steube (Cammack) Suozzi (Raskin) Timmons (Murphy (NC)) Tonko (Pallone) Torres (NY) (Meeks) Trahan (Wexton) Velazquez (Meeks) Wagner (Cammack) Walorski (Banks) Waltz (Cammack) Watson Coleman (Pallone) Welch (Raskin) Williams (GA) (Kelly (IL)) Wilson (FL) (Cicilline)

Amendment No. 184 Offered by Mr. Perry

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfinished business is the question on amendment No. 184, printed in part D of House Report 117-241, on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the yeas and nays were ordered.

The Clerk will redesignate the amendment.

The Clerk redesignated the amendment.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Perry).

The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 196, nays 235, not voting 2, as follows:


Aderholt Allen Amodei Armstrong Arrington Babin Baird Balderson Banks Barr Bentz Bergman Bice (OK) Biggs Bilirakis Bishop (NC) Boebert Bost Brady Brooks Buchanan Buck Bucshon Budd Burchett Burgess Calvert Cammack Carey Carl Carter (GA) Carter (TX) Cawthorn Chabot Cheney Cline Cloud Clyde Cole Comer Crawford Crenshaw Davidson Davis, Rodney DesJarlais Diaz-Balart Donalds Duncan Dunn Ellzey Emmer Fallon Feenstra Ferguson Fischbach Fitzgerald Fleischmann Fortenberry Foxx Franklin, C. Scott Fulcher Gaetz Gallagher Garbarino Garcia (CA) Gibbs Gimenez Gohmert Gonzales, Tony Good (VA) Gooden (TX) Gosar Granger Graves (MO) Green (TN) Greene (GA) Griffith Grothman Guest Guthrie Hagedorn Harris Harshbarger Hartzler Hern Herrell Herrera Beutler Hice (GA) Higgins (LA) Hill Hinson Hollingsworth Hudson Huizenga Issa Jackson Jacobs (NY) Johnson (LA) Johnson (OH) Johnson (SD) Jordan Joyce (PA) Keller Kelly (MS) Kelly (PA) Kim (CA) Kustoff LaHood Lamborn Latta LaTurner Lesko Letlow Long Loudermilk Lucas Luetkemeyer Mace Malliotakis Mann Massie McCarthy McCaul McClain McClintock McHenry McKinley Meuser Miller (IL) Miller (WV) Miller-Meeks Moolenaar Mooney Moore (AL) Mullin Murphy (NC) Nehls Newhouse Norman Obernolte Owens Palazzo Palmer Pence Perry Pfluger Posey Reed Reschenthaler Rice (SC) Rodgers (WA) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rose Rosendale Rouzer Roy Rutherford Scalise Schweikert Scott, Austin Sessions Simpson Smith (MO) Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Smucker Spartz Stauber Steel Stefanik Steil Steube Stewart Taylor Tenney Thompson (PA) Tiffany Timmons Turner Valadao Van Drew Van Duyne Wagner Walberg Walorski Waltz Weber (TX) Webster (FL) Wenstrup Westerman Williams (TX) Wilson (SC) Wittman Womack Zeldin


Adams Aguilar Allred Auchincloss Axne Bacon Barragan Bass Beatty Bera Beyer Bishop (GA) Blumenauer Blunt Rochester Bonamici Bourdeaux Bowman Boyle, Brendan F. Brown (MD) Brown (OH) Brownley Bush Bustos Butterfield Carbajal Cardenas Carson Carter (LA) Cartwright Case Casten Castor (FL) Castro (TX) Cherfilus-McCormick Chu Cicilline Clark (MA) Clarke (NY) Cleaver Clyburn Cohen Connolly Cooper Correa Costa Courtney Craig Crist Crow Cuellar Curtis Davids (KS) Davis, Danny K. Dean DeFazio DeGette DeLauro DelBene Delgado Demings DeSaulnier Deutch Dingell Doggett Doyle, Michael F. Escobar Eshoo Espaillat Evans Fitzpatrick Fletcher Foster Frankel, Lois Gallego Garamendi Garcia (IL) Garcia (TX) Golden Gomez Gonzalez (OH) Gonzalez, Vicente Gottheimer Graves (LA) Green, Al (TX) Grijalva Harder (CA) Hayes Higgins (NY) Himes Horsford Houlahan Hoyer Huffman Jackson Lee Jacobs (CA) Jayapal Jeffries Johnson (GA) Johnson (TX) Jones Joyce (OH) Kahele Kaptur Katko Keating Kelly (IL) Khanna Kildee Kilmer Kim (NJ) Kind Kinzinger Kirkpatrick Krishnamoorthi Kuster LaMalfa Lamb Langevin Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Lawrence Lawson (FL) Lee (CA) Lee (NV) Leger Fernandez Levin (CA) Levin (MI) Lieu Lofgren Lowenthal Luria Lynch Malinowski Maloney, Carolyn B. Maloney, Sean Manning Matsui McBath McCollum McEachin McGovern McNerney Meeks Meijer Meng Mfume Moore (UT) Moore (WI) Morelle Moulton Mrvan Murphy (FL) Nadler Napolitano Neal Neguse Newman Norcross O'Halleran Ocasio-Cortez Omar Pallone Panetta Pappas Pascrell Payne Perlmutter Peters Phillips Pingree Pocan Porter Pressley Price (NC) Quigley Raskin Rice (NY) Ross Roybal-Allard Ruiz Ruppersberger Rush Ryan Salazar Sanchez Sarbanes Scanlon Schakowsky Schiff Schneider Schrader Schrier Scott (VA) Scott, David Sewell Sherman Sherrill Sires Slotkin Smith (WA) Soto Spanberger Speier Stansbury Stanton Stevens Strickland Suozzi Swalwell Takano Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Titus Tlaib Tonko Torres (CA) Torres (NY) Trahan Trone Underwood Upton Vargas Veasey Vela Velazquez Wasserman Schultz Waters Watson Coleman Welch Wexton Wild Williams (GA) Wilson (FL) Yarmuth Young


Estes Mast

{time} 1926

So the amendment was rejected.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

Members Recorded Pursuant to House Resolution 8, 117th Congress

Adams (Brown (MD)) Allred (Wexton) Armstrong (Murphy (NC)) Axne (Kuster) Baird (Bucshon) Beyer (Raskin) Bishop (NC) (Budd) Bowman (Ocasio-Cortez) Brownley (Kuster) Buchanan (Cammack) Cardenas (Gomez) Clarke (NY) (Kelly (IL)) Cleaver (Raskin) Crist (Wasserman Schultz) Cuellar (Correa) Davids (KS) (Brown (MD)) Davis, Danny K. (Garcia (IL)) Dean (Evans) DeSaulnier (Raskin) Deutch (Rice (NY)) Doggett (Raskin) Doyle, Michael F. (Evans) Espaillat (Meeks) Frankel, Lois (Kuster) Gohmert (Weber (TX)) Grijalva (Garcia (IL)) Hagedorn (Carl) Horsford (Evans) Hoyer (Brown (MD)) Hudson (Murphy (NC)) Jacobs (CA) (Correa) Jeffries (Kelly (IL)) Kahele (Case) Keating (Cicilline) Khanna (Gomez) Kim (CA) (Steel) Kinzinger (Herrera Beutler) Kirkpatrick (Pallone) LaMalfa (Rouzer) Lawson (FL) (Evans) Loudermilk (Fleischmann) Lucas (Mullin) Malinowski (Pallone) Maloney, Carolyn B. (Wasserman Schultz) McHenry (Cammack) Meng (Kuster) Moore (WI) (Raskin) Moulton (Wexton) Nadler (Pallone) Napolitano (Correa) Payne (Pallone) Pingree (Kuster) Porter (Wexton) Reed (Miller (WV)) Roybal-Allard (Correa) Ruiz (Correa) Rush (Kaptur) Ryan (Kaptur) Schneider (Rice (NY)) Sires (Pallone) Stansbury (Garcia (IL)) Stauber (Bergman) Steube (Cammack) Suozzi (Raskin) Timmons (Murphy (NC)) Tonko (Pallone) Torres (NY) (Meeks) Trahan (Wexton) Velazquez (Meeks)

Wagner (Cammack) Walorski (Banks) Waltz (Cammack) Watson Coleman (Pallone) Welch (Raskin) Williams (GA) (Kelly (IL)) Wilson (FL) (Cicilline)

The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Brown of Ohio). Pursuant to clause 1(c) of rule XIX, further consideration of H.R. 4521 is postponed.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 168, No. 22

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