
Santa Clara Today

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Did farm subsidies in cities associated with Santa Clara County rise or fall in 2021?

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Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock

Farms throughout cities in Santa Clara County received $6.5 million less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 389 farmers in cities within Santa Clara County received a total of $7.7 million in 616 farm subsidies, a 45.9% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $14.2 million in 1,264 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with Santa Clara County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
Dirk Buchser & Edwin Tognetti$95,322$750,000686.8%
Fiorio Farms, Inc.$0$500,000--
Webster Mandarin Grove, LLC$0$337,794--
Kings County Pistachio Ranch, LLC$0$258,173--
Utica Pistachio Ranch, LLC$0$251,785--
Western Tree Nursery, Inc.$0$250,000--
Countryside Mushrooms, Inc.$346,920$216,607-37.6%
Sunset Tango Ranch, LLC$0$215,970--
Mehdi Orandi$45,532$184,134304.4%
Madera Tango, LLC$0$172,576--
Vanguard Farms, Inc.$0$164,450--
WFC Mandarin, LLC$0$161,418--
Wilson & Sandridge Cattle Feed$147,466$144,856-1.8%
Robert Bianchi$46,265$139,949202.5%
Sandridge Partners LP$0$135,693--
Bouquets of Nature, Inc.$0$130,669--
El Camino Packing, Inc.$46,883$116,743149%
Webster Pistachio Ranch, LLC$0$115,892--
Nor Cal Land & Cattle$90,272$113,86926.1%
Richard Foreman$0$107,045--
Gordon Orsborn$7,849$90,8581,057.6%
W-K Pistachio Ranch, LLC$0$85,541--
Sibley Orchard$0$83,528--
FPR Pistachio Orchard No. 1, LLC$0$81,588--
Togliatti Farms, Inc.$0$79,669--
D. S. Farms$32,873$79,201140.9%
Kataru-Carpenter Farms, LLC$17,692$76,349331.5%
Battaglia Ranch$0$73,640--
Kataru-Whitmore Farms, LLC$13,729$72,640429.1%
Post Mandarin, LLC$0$69,993--
Kerman-Madera Farms, LLC$0$68,636--
TWE II, LLC$0$64,415--
Jieying Jenny Liu$0$62,233--
Xay Duc Hoang$27,565$62,167125.5%
Spade & Plow Organics, LLC$0$61,745--
Andy's Orchard, LLC$28,301$60,874115.1%
Valley Top, Inc.$255,560$57,698-77.4%
Ferrara Ranches JV, Ltd.$159,577$57,401-64%
Leland P. Belli$27,907$52,95289.7%
Dutch Canyon, LLC$0$52,448--
Simanton Pistachio Ranch, LLC$0$47,129--
Davidson-Lin Almond Ranch III$53,549$40,162-25%
Sandra D Cover GST Exempt Trustee$0$40,106--
Carlos J. Saldivar$0$39,830--
E Petersen Family Properties, Ltd.$26,851$35,06230.6%
JC Fumia Family Farms, Inc.$401,257$35,055-91.3%
Jasbir S Musafar$498,024$34,833-93%
Davidson-Lin Ranch$44,443$33,333-25%
Rainforest Farms, LLC$121,846$32,852-73%
Richard Vargas Livestock, LLC$40,557$31,698-21.8%
D. Lapenta Farming$57,254$28,210-50.7%
Kenneth Machado & James Machado$27,690$27,483-0.7%
Sally Miller$3,570$26,267635.8%
Tomahawk, LLC$25,297$25,184-0.4%
Patricia C. Alvey$23,876$23,8760%
Eleanor Dement Family Trust$22,372$22,7251.6%
Sung Wook Lee$0$21,793--
Tejinder S Gill$0$21,527--
Sidhu Family Farms, LLC$0$21,472--
Masoud Rahmatian$18,395$21,30515.8%
Pusateri Family Limited Partnership$23,988$21,010-12.4%
RC Bar Ranch, LLC$111,826$20,604-81.6%
Sabatino Disclaimed Share Trust$15,905$19,98025.6%
Kirk Cattle Company, LLC$14,957$19,18428.3%
Garrod Trust$0$18,500--
VJB5 Vineyard, Inc.$0$18,436--
Depco Farms, Inc.$36,962$18,266-50.6%
Mahesh Karoshi$13,504$18,19834.8%
Tamara Hennings Exemption Trust$27,176$16,291-40.1%
Tu Nguyen$0$16,242--
Maria J Turco Intervivos Trust$0$16,205--
Barlupo Farms$5,133$16,179215.2%
Barbara Riper Revocable Trust$27,001$15,680-41.9%
Jim Aira$7,231$14,960106.9%
Laura E. Douglas$14,928$14,9280%
Tian Kai Kuang$0$14,746--
David K. Collins II$14,207$14,110-0.7%
Helen S. Policky Estate$0$14,108--
James William Larrick & Jun Chen Revocable Living Trust$13,687$13,6880%
Jo Ann Hawkins - Hawkins Family Trust$0$13,390--
Olivera EGG Ranch, LLC$486,881$13,119-97.3%
James J and Sue D Delong Rev Trust$20,134$13,010-35.4%
Erica Lynn Bianchi$19,290$12,972-32.8%
Done-Again Farms$135,967$12,632-90.7%
Fraser Gravette Investments, LLC$21,957$12,518-43%
Andrew Mariani$20,060$12,478-37.8%
Ledeit Bros Family Properties$0$12,302--
Almos Farms, LLP$11,640$12,1424.3%
Christopher Borello$4,898$11,846141.9%
J Kenneth Kaseberg GST Trust$21,599$11,819-45.3%
Borugi, LLC$8,028$11,65345.2%
John M. Dodd Jr.$25,430$11,611-54.3%
Lloyd Ray Beadle$41,097$11,557-71.9%
Vanslow Family Trust$14,155$11,501-18.7%
White %j D Morton, Inc.$6,486$11,38475.5%
Borello Farms, Inc.$51,659$11,362-78%
Feramined, LLC$0$10,944--
Michael Johnson$4,844$10,687120.6%
Sage Ranches, Inc.$0$10,289--
Gildardo Jose Espana-Garcia$59,110$10,270-82.6%
Laurel Adams-Allison$11,264$10,222-9.3%
Sarah Taylor C. Lange$0$10,029--
Mallie T. Brathwaite$10,005$10,0050%
Mariani Orchards, Inc.$16,172$9,918-38.7%
Fernando Rocha$0$9,873--
Gary Pester Farms, Inc.$53,922$9,849-81.7%
Yubadventures, LLC$0$9,846--
Robert W. Hill$0$8,821--
Mr. Wen Cheng$0$8,765--
Xanadu Orchards, LLC$0$8,567--
Irie Farms, Inc.$6,611$8,41027.2%
Nancy Nehring$31,759$8,408-73.5%
Steve Winegarden$31,759$8,408-73.5%
Fellom Ranch Vineyards$0$8,264--
Janet L Ricksecker Family Trust$5,524$8,24749.3%
Mark Lee Leistiko$7,870$7,8700%
Caroline Zlotnick Marital Trust - Caroline Zlotnick$561$7,4941,235.8%
Dianne M. Eckhardt$7,090$7,0900%
Kaiser-Macdonald Properties$6,617$7,0276.2%
Kyle Wolfe$3,630$7,00593%
William R Willrett$5,422$6,78125.1%
Fahmy Living 2004 Trust$0$6,703--
Joseph A. Santos$27,328$6,633-75.7%
Charles B. Johnson$9,430$6,518-30.9%
Taecker Family 1990 Trust$20,787$6,451-69%
Margaret Kosek$0$6,275--
Lavonne D. Calvin$7,510$6,193-17.5%
Maxine Lucas$8,488$6,009-29.2%
Joseph Daniel Torres$15,951$5,788-63.7%
James J. Leftwich$3,274$5,78776.8%
PSR Farms, LLC$11,368$5,683-50%
John P. Reinke$0$5,616--
Matthew Roberson - the Roberson Revocable Family Trust$23,340$5,556-76.2%
Wiedrick Family Trust$12,158$5,328-56.2%
Gilbert W Graham Partnership$22,478$5,202-76.9%
Clair Calvin Estate$5,143$5,1941%
K & S Properties, LLC$9,583$5,134-46.4%
David A. Jones$5,632$4,982-11.5%
AKH Farms, LLC$5,926$4,837-18.4%
Marxmiller Fishing, LLC$0$4,806--
The Bypass Trust$10,733$4,757-55.7%
Jerome H. Hines$10,355$4,752-54.1%
Ravizza Ranch, LLC$17,261$4,658-73%
Edwina Tolentino$0$4,657--
Anders C. Greenwood$8,749$4,548-48%
James W. Lien$7,341$4,466-39.2%
Peter D. Seekatz$2,589$4,39569.8%
Kevin Gardner$2,906$4,29347.7%
Marcella H Hilding Farm Trust$6,500$4,263-34.4%
Robert C. Creasey$8,968$4,191-53.3%
Cynthia Hermstad-Johnson$5,936$4,073-31.4%
Pamela K. Loucks$8,068$3,977-50.7%
Pierre O Paquelier$2,706$3,93645.5%
Jennifer Lynn Martin$5,582$3,865-30.8%
J Kenneth Kaseberg Residuary Trust$0$3,860--
Damewood Marital Deduction Trust$11,593$3,851-66.8%
David Earl Trust$13,495$3,794-71.9%
Morse Revocable Trust C$11,875$3,769-68.3%
Newera Nuts, LLC$0$3,744--
Randolph G Fardal$13,636$3,526-74.1%
William C & Ruby L Hart Living Trust$6,161$3,485-43.4%
Will J Worley Trust$1,626$3,453112.4%
Marc Andres$0$3,417--
Hans Johsens$0$3,392--
Michael A. Lehr$0$3,392--
Eugene Howard$6,606$3,378-48.9%
Scott Fergus$3,377$3,3770%
Kenneth Kluge$0$3,365--
Clara Brown Trust$10,658$3,338-68.7%
Shirley J Hernandez Rev Trust$4,748$3,290-30.7%
Clair D. Calvin$0$3,143--
Hodel Family Revocable Trust - James Hodel$13,575$3,139-76.9%
Monica L. Rudiger$14,034$3,121-77.8%
Eggen 1989 Living Trust$8,382$3,094-63.1%
David W. Kern$3,091$3,0910%
Shun Y. Kuang$0$3,078--
Robert Kraencke$0$3,058--
Donald S. Gardner$5,397$3,022-44%
Matthew Juanes$0$3,022--
Mr. Michael N. Miller$10,076$3,014-70.1%
Dana N. Lauritsen$4,243$3,004-29.2%
Lado Muhlstein JR$0$2,889--
Donald Trinchero$12,672$2,880-77.3%
Robert Nishikawa$3,343$2,860-14.4%
Susan B. Peterson$2,813$2,8140%
Katharine Hunt Fitzgerald$9,992$2,812-71.9%
John Ernest Hunt$5,579$2,811-49.6%
Joann Balzer$5,846$2,755-52.9%
Lila Greenawalt$2,729$2,7290%
George Matheou$0$2,727--
Franklin Max Privette$5,417$2,715-49.9%
Don C Drew Trust$12,427$2,699-78.3%
Linda Sarver$15,460$2,637-82.9%
Nesbitt Properties$1,541$2,63671.1%
James Opfer$8,501$2,632-69%
Red Ruby Farms$8,462$2,596-69.3%
The Plas, LLC$10,538$2,576-75.6%
Greg D. Feist$4,631$2,548-45%
Matthew R. Accola$2,465$2,4650%
Angela Buehler Wong$3,404$2,431-28.6%
Thomas B. Chargin$3,861$2,384-38.3%
Ted-Ted a Baer and Rebecca L Baer Living a Baer$4,543$2,333-48.6%
Glenda Bloom$4,572$2,311-49.5%
2005 Gibson Family Trust$0$2,284--
Jordan J. Spaulding$2,272$2,2720%
Catherine Hill Phillips$5,857$2,268-61.3%
Richard L Comstock Bypass Trust$1,508$2,15142.6%
Evelyn-Shaver Living Trust of April 26, Shaver$15,321$2,145-86%
Sharon L. Hollingsworth$2,552$2,142-16.1%
Randi A. Tyler$2,549$2,140-16%
Dana Christian$3,644$2,132-41.5%
Travis Bowie$3,033$2,128-29.8%
John R. Tanner$6,089$2,050-66.3%
Trust B - Wilhelmi Bypass Trust$1,639$2,03724.3%
Homestead Farms, LLC$2,998$2,030-32.3%
Jimmy Pool$0$2,019--
Andrew Brown$5,351$2,011-62.4%
Harriet S Murphy Trust$2,694$2,004-25.6%
David L. Peters$2,353$1,787-24.1%
Schepens Family Trust Dated 10/8/2013$0$1,731--
John E. Jurgensmeier$4,579$1,669-63.6%
Hafeman Family 2001 Trust$2,194$1,662-24.2%
L W and Margaret M Pepple 1999 Rev Trust$4,730$1,656-65%
Kenneth & Babette Rose Family Trust$0$1,655--
Harrington Family Limited Partner$2,254$1,652-26.7%
Jeanette B Huebner Family Trust$2,235$1,638-26.7%
Van Dyke Organics, Inc.$0$1,619--
Bruce E. Petrick$2,387$1,612-32.5%
Jan F. Cummins$1,610$1,6100%
Vicar Leasing, LLC$2,044$1,602-21.6%
David Painter$3,119$1,577-49.4%
Robert Painter$3,119$1,577-49.4%
Sherri Wilson-Lopes$2,119$1,559-26.4%
Wilson Irrevocable Trust$1,948$1,557-20.1%
Betty Ruth Hogue$5,271$1,541-70.8%
Lawrence S. Osborne$3,067$1,540-49.8%
Langhart Trust$610$1,500145.9%
Margaret Deruwe Martin$2,099$1,424-32.2%
Matthew Svihovec$0$1,422--
Melissa Salera$0$1,422--
Michael Svihovec$0$1,422--
Anne D. Commisso$1,363$1,3630%
Marlene Schwilk$6,122$1,347-78%
Don C. Drew Jr.$6,266$1,317-79%
Larry N. Darnall$1,723$1,314-23.7%
Josie Ferguson$1,783$1,299-27.1%
Jean C. Scott$695$1,29686.5%
William L & Dorothy Fryar Trust$4,261$1,283-69.9%
G and G Ranch 14, LLC$3,647$1,276-65%
Margaret Willis Trust$0$1,252--
Jeffrey Anthony Sylva$0$1,249--
Debra J Willrett$1,249$1,2490%
Hempstead Farms, Ltd.$0$1,236--
Susan Gillespie$2,119$1,234-41.8%
S&B Acres, LLC$1,198$1,2343%
Brian Charles Rhea$3,454$1,223-64.6%
Dawna M. Meyers$2,538$1,219-52%
Laveda L Ross$2,538$1,219-52%
Theodore C Carlstrom & Alzora R Carlstrom Trust$0$1,213--
Hogarth Farm, LLC$3,631$1,194-67.1%
AL-Hussna Hassan El-Yacoubi$1,147$1,1470%
Hassanahtu Allah Hassan El-Yacoubi$1,147$1,1470%
Virginia Schlomann$1,131$1,1310%
Belinda Trense$2,779$1,127-59.4%
The Howard Family Irrevocable Trust$0$1,124--
Carla Setzer$3,663$1,100-70%
Bejarano Family Trust$2,296$1,097-52.2%
Glenn & Dorothy Jones Trust$3,264$1,094-66.5%
Fritz Koepke$2,088$1,092-47.7%
Albert J Martens Trust$5,541$1,090-80.3%
Yvonne Martens Trust$5,541$1,090-80.3%
Barbara E. Louttit$5,704$1,089-80.9%
Charles Lee Morse$4,027$1,088-73%
Holly M. Cottone$4,028$1,088-73%
Brooke W. Ottum$2,711$1,039-61.7%
Jennie Finch$2,436$1,025-57.9%
Gordon E. Brown Jr.$1,015$1,0150%
Beverly Barnette$2,997$1,011-66.3%
John Seeman$2,639$992-62.4%
Stephen B. Snyder$975$9750%
Vicki Hyatt-Lane$1,804$968-46.3%
Christie Survivor's Trust$2,242$963-57%
Lois-1984 Rolland Living Trust C Rolland$956$9560%
Randall P and Donna R Nollette Trust$2,368$948-60%
Stocker Family Trust$4,338$925-78.7%
Jane Sundelof Jones$3,032$920-69.7%
William F Gilmore and Charles T Gilmore Kelly Ranch$4,451$906-79.6%
Eileen Edwards Kelman$2,871$901-68.6%
Scott R. Hinrichs$1,183$898-24.1%
Joy Kippen Sanders$1,829$860-53%
Marjory Doyle$844$8440%
Gary R. Silvera$3,685$834-77.4%
Raymond Struck$819$8341.8%
Ellis Bypass Trust$1,323$829-37.3%
James E. Litchfield$1,465$794-45.8%
Alfred Machmiller$788$7880%
Patricia Machmiller$788$7880%
Lynn Alens$777$7770%
Donald W. Cragun$2,046$774-62.2%
Richard & Cynthia L Norris Rev Trust$4,698$774-83.5%
Larry L. Lehman$0$752--
Michael Wittrock$3,759$752-80%
Norman Miller$0$746--
Vera I Pickrell Testamentary Trustee$0$728--
William D. Lyon$1,384$724-47.7%
Gregg Winovich$0$715--
David Duarte$3,760$714-81%
Phyllis Pryor$2,342$708-69.8%
Maelkgaarden, LLC$1,485$698-53%
Sharon Storms Rhody-Storms Trust$2,893$690-76.1%
Hubbard Farms, LLC$680$6800%
Delores Pearson$2,951$653-77.9%
Harley L. Crock$0$642--
Maryann Alloo$1,398$633-54.7%
Maidena a Mclerran$1,311$633-51.7%
Marsha B Robertson - Marsha B Robertson Sep. Property Trust$625$6270.3%
Gordon N. Jones Jr.$3,088$621-79.9%
Macdonald Family Trust$591$5910%
Mary E Baden Hoshiko Haughey$2,209$587-73.4%
Gaylan Kessel$873$584-33.1%
Katherine R Masleid$1,020$578-43.3%
Frances Grinels$760$566-25.5%
John R. Kinsinger$1,209$542-55.2%
Paria Farms, LLC$522$5220%
Joseph & Glenis Gornik 2017 Trust$1,575$515-67.3%
Zimmerman Living Trustee$1,615$515-68.1%
Harshbarger Family Trust of 1991$1,507$499-66.9%
Geoffrey Alan Dafforn$696$495-28.9%
Robert P. Black$486$4860%
Jerome J. Happ$1,425$484-66%
Drews Family Rev Trust$1,824$483-73.5%
Holstein Living Trust$3,120$477-84.7%
Donna Kay Smullen$1,386$475-65.7%
Leanne Cooley$1,351$464-65.7%
Samuel Fisher$59,206$440-99.3%
R & D Reklis Trust$434$4340%
Imelda Katherine Riggins$1,226$427-65.2%
Allie Silvera$1,925$425-77.9%
Bischoff Family Properties, LLC$0$423--
Ann Marie Yadegar$470$419-10.9%
Steve Pankratz$874$414-52.6%
Estepa Properties 2 LP$482$396-17.8%
Donald B and Marilyn Dec Richardson 1991 Living Trustee$1,039$395-62%
Karen Griffiths$2,074$390-81.2%
Richard Tallman$521$388-25.5%
Florence Roat$2,855$379-86.7%
Betty Harms$885$371-58.1%
Marilyn R Boleda$1,078$357-66.9%
Patricia Anne Abel$832$330-60.3%
Bill Welch$201$32260.2%
Thomas and Rhonda Canale Revocable Trust$798$311-61%
Lee & Joanne Travers Family Trust$0$305--
Leslie D. Ingham$1,153$281-75.6%
Jacobsen Family Trust No 1$866$265-69.4%
Beverly S. Gaylord$661$262-60.4%
Betty-Macdonald Living Trust a Macdonald$249$2490%
Jeff Blackman$245$2450%
Karol Thomas Revocable Living Trust$668$241-63.9%
Kriss J. Rant$683$235-65.6%
John C Bonstead$203$2030%
Krista Hummel$971$198-79.6%
Gainer Family Trust$420$192-54.3%
Judith M. Cummings$1,141$178-84.4%
Christine Cockey$0$175--
Kersten Kraft$112$17354.5%
Sharon Ann Zeches$0$170--
Boyd Blue$160$1600%
Renee A. Graham$117$15532.5%
Patricia Patterson$348$148-57.5%
Beverly Kennon-Kelley$320$148-53.8%
Marian L. Jackson$188$134-28.7%
Elizabeth L. Anselm$284$134-52.8%
Kathleen M. Farrell$134$1340%
Jane Krueger$414$133-67.9%
Katherine Huston$277$132-52.3%
Tyler L. Rockhold$840$124-85.2%
Wilson Family Trust No 6-07$708$117-83.5%
Charles Lee$86$11533.7%
Linus J Meisch - Individual$1,716$114-93.4%
Kenneth W. Clowers$186$112-39.8%
Kirk David Wells$211$105-50.2%
Debra A. Williamson$1,029$94-90.9%
Doyle Kaufmann$260$89-65.8%
Kevin S. Kester$328$86-73.8%
Keith Krehbiel$382$85-77.7%
Bede E. Gooch$100$64-36%
Gregory W. Wetzel$27$62129.6%
Linda Moore Bruton$502$59-88.2%
Ronald D. Johnson$125$24-80.8%
Angela Lopez$484$0-100%
David Beach$537$0-100%
Ali Sadrzadeh$36,995$0-100%
Chich Y Lee$84$0-100%
Elliott Family Trust$143$0-100%
Felix Lin$148,632$0-100%
Ji Chung Lee$84$0-100%
Jo Ann Hawkins - Hawkins Family T$13,390$0-100%
Malisic Family Rev Living Trust$9,340$0-100%
SRK Farms, LLC$19,055$0-100%
Vahid Sadrzadeh$5,070$0-100%
Anthan He$35,939$0-100%
Arnoldus S Welten$10,316$0-100%
Bai Wei Huang$15,275$0-100%
Bob Filice$7,775$0-100%
C & F Farms, Inc.$250,000$0-100%
Cheng Jiu Li$32,975$0-100%
Christopher Ranch, LLC$83,901$0-100%
Claudia Espana-Garcia$24,591$0-100%
Cui Lan Huang$18,497$0-100%
Daihua Cai$31,871$0-100%
Daniel D. Long$54,841$0-100%
Daqiang Li$4,244$0-100%
David J. Lawler$723$0-100%
Edward F. Olivera Trust$8,296$0-100%
Edwin A. Tognetti$24,102$0-100%
Frank Sousa Jr.$52,718$0-100%
Frazier Lake Farms, Inc.$481,252$0-100%
Haoqin Chen$34,251$0-100%
Harval Groves, LLC$165,630$0-100%
Helen Hue Loi$50,132$0-100%
Huan Lun Guan$31,623$0-100%
Jin Hao Zhou$122,362$0-100%
Joe Chen$87,197$0-100%
John Wu$10,987$0-100%
Keith Lo$20,989$0-100%
Laura Rockwell$2,108$0-100%
Li Hong Liang$70,370$0-100%
Maria Rocha$1,615$0-100%
Ping H. Cheng$8,506$0-100%
Qiahua Xie$10,123$0-100%
Rong Zhao Zhou$15,345$0-100%
Ryan Cho$12,190$0-100%
San Felipe Farms Lp$90,952$0-100%
Sher Wong$80,823$0-100%
Shun Heung Kwong$32,113$0-100%
Sik Kwan Kwong$22,140$0-100%
Song Guang Lin$17,025$0-100%
Sonny Lo$55,156$0-100%
South Pacific Orchids, Inc.$290,350$0-100%
Tony Wong$39,392$0-100%
Vong Farms, LLC$85,050$0-100%
Xing Hua Zhen$83,624$0-100%
Xu Hong Huang$16,061$0-100%
Yip Hing Kwong$11,614$0-100%
Zhou Ping Cai$140,145$0-100%
Cleopha Zauner$1,428$0-100%
Farkhondeh Mortazavi$1,980$0-100%
Frank W. Bishop Jr.$18,718$0-100%
Linus J Meisch Revocable Trust$321$0-100%
Nader Sadrzadeh$14,423$0-100%
Negar Sadrzadeh$5,070$0-100%
Siekman Farm Management PTNR$2,564$0-100%
Vaheed Zolfaghari$23,934$0-100%
Daniel and Judith Van Elderen Trust Agreement$399,509$0-100%
Robert G. Delong$9,639$0-100%
2008 Sybil J Howard Trust$658$0-100%
J & M Farms, LLC$29,462$0-100%
Margaret N. Burt Revocable Trust$235$0-100%
Michael A. Lehr$3,392$0-100%
Shirley J Hernandez Rev Trust$5,488$0-100%
William J Siegel Administrative Trust$392,552$0-100%
Brass Enforen, Inc.$38,162$0-100%
Central Valley Orchards, LLC$40,945$0-100%
Greenwork Farms, LLC$30,784$0-100%
Paramjit Singh$54,816$0-100%
Wilson Irrevocable Trust$171$0-100%
A & M Farm, Inc.$49,478$0-100%
Ah So Mock$10,680$0-100%
Almofarm Ventures, Inc.$35,488$0-100%
Altman Specialty Plants, LLC$795,000$0-100%
An Yang Chen$131,292$0-100%
Annette Love$1,760$0-100%
Bao Wang Zhen$2,120$0-100%
Bhanwar Singh$6,842$0-100%
Da Xiong Tan$31,118$0-100%
David Kubo$865$0-100%
Deanna Elliott$413$0-100%
Fanny Tam$49,439$0-100%
Farmigo Ventures, LLC$13,272$0-100%
Fei Huang$9,544$0-100%
Flook Family Farms$14,551$0-100%
Great Farm, Inc.$68,384$0-100%
Guo Ping Yuan$164,303$0-100%
Hong Z. Huang$67,654$0-100%
Jim Wilkinson$295$0-100%
Kwong Wei Yun$19,339$0-100%
Liang Qiang Chen$40,187$0-100%
Liang Wei Chen$8,225$0-100%
Man Tam$3,597$0-100%
Mark Tamura$32,409$0-100%
Michael Wong$12,343$0-100%
Mobi Venture, Inc.$61,935$0-100%
Mohammad Moghni$36,828$0-100%
Mr Guohua Xu$26,337$0-100%
Norma Sue Morris$2,460$0-100%
Phuong Hoong$44,782$0-100%
Qing Qiang Zhen$19,360$0-100%
Richard Scott$1,695$0-100%
Rocky Tam$51,012$0-100%
Shou Xiang Li$70,163$0-100%
South Valley Mushroom Farm, Inc.$188,566$0-100%
Super Green Venture, Inc.$27,114$0-100%
Tian Cai Kuang$29,883$0-100%
Trung N. Chi$13,845$0-100%
Wendy Cheng Chan$11,036$0-100%
Youlan Zhen$2,120$0-100%
Zhao Wang Zhen$27,191$0-100%
Green Paradise Estate, Inc.$88,896$0-100%
J Kenneth Kaseberg Residuary Trus$5,437$0-100%
Mahlon Hubenthal - Hubenthal C. Li$825$0-100%
Pica Trade Company, Ltd.$66,541$0-100%
The Estate of Jenice Shian-Wha Chou$101,627$0-100%
Theodore C Carlstrom & Alzora R C$2,675$0-100%
1997 Anthony J Rizio and Angeline C Rizio Revocable Trust$10,280$0-100%
Al Mangini$291,250$0-100%
Bradley D. Robson$31,774$0-100%
Chaoan Jiang$34,536$0-100%
Clara Louise Dubbs Trust$2,656$0-100%
Clay Kim Smith Estate$1,852$0-100%
Daniel T & Elizabeth J Teresi Lving Trust$107,433$0-100%
Erma Bruce$85$0-100%
Erroll Britt King$85$0-100%
F-V Rose Marie, Inc.$115,588$0-100%
Francis M. Conte$2,959$0-100%
Francisco A. Nunez$1,994$0-100%
Georgina M. Brasil$5,976$0-100%
Gretchen N. Stone$359$0-100%
Homer Fam Trustee DTD 04181995-Use Until 4/15/20$1,874$0-100%
James Rando$36,693$0-100%
Jeffrey P. Sample$1,574$0-100%
Kashmir K Takhar$3,640$0-100%
Kenneth & Babette Rose Family Trustee$1,071$0-100%
Kimberly Subrahmanyan$1,630$0-100%
Laura M. Anderson$801$0-100%
Leopoldo Candelario$285$0-100%
Marguerite H. McKee$91$0-100%
Mary Ann Roa$3,041$0-100%
Melvin R Brashears and Victoria Brashears Trust$1,252$0-100%
Michael Riley$38,891$0-100%
Miguel Hernandez$42,273$0-100%
Monica Krebsbach$549$0-100%
Monte Wilson$464$0-100%
Norman Bernard Boccone$14,599$0-100%
Norman Jorgenson$61,185$0-100%
Olivera Family Limited Partnership$35,205$0-100%
Pappas Family Trust$39,870$0-100%
Peggy Burge$776$0-100%
Peter Hurd and Marshall Seymour General Partnership Homestea$8,804$0-100%
Philip J. Stone$304$0-100%
Ramara Farms, LLC$45,093$0-100%
Robert J. Ray$2,141$0-100%
Romelia J. Nunez$1,994$0-100%
Sabatino 2008 Living Trust DTD 10/23/2008$2,218$0-100%
Schepens Family Trust Dated 10/8$1,739$0-100%
Small Bees$11,934$0-100%
Vernon Burgeson Trust$34,296$0-100%
Westside Rubino Farm, LLC$9,854$0-100%
William F. Wetzel$185$0-100%
William G Burge Revocable Living Trust$1,778$0-100%
William Henry Mallison$492$0-100%
Bob Kuang$180,796$0-100%
FFM Mushrooms, Inc.$321,903$0-100%
Greenfield Nursery, Corp.$54,091$0-100%
Han Qiang Kuang$58,485$0-100%
Hongan Kuang$16,266$0-100%
Jian C. Yu$31,600$0-100%
Mei Huan Huang$81,264$0-100%
Ms. Rui Huan Kuang$27,255$0-100%
O P Costa Farms, LLC$16,049$0-100%
Qin Fa Huang$60,735$0-100%
Shunfat Nursery, LLC$12,780$0-100%
Siu Man Chiu$2,280$0-100%
Venh Tang$21,482$0-100%
Xiao Teng Kuang$14,492$0-100%
Zhuo Qin Kuang$34,165$0-100%
Dean Nichols$4,599$0-100%
Doug Lo$96,441$0-100%
E. Mayfield$1,552$0-100%
Mary G Howell Estate$2,731$0-100%
Rosemary Quinonez$16,973$0-100%
Bocks' Family Farms, LLC$110,298$0-100%
Mark R. Lillo$200$0-100%
Middlefield Manor, LLC$42,214$0-100%
Peter Hurd and Marshall Seymour General Partnership Homestea$17,608$0-100%
Reed Wolthausen$14,575$0-100%
Sandra Thorpe$20,896$0-100%
Survivor's Trust Under Terms of the Vincent Living Trust$2,251$0-100%
UDC Farms, LLC$11,565$0-100%
Whaleback SBG, LLC$167,174$0-100%
Bryce Joseph Frey$5,792$0-100%
Burk Revocable Trust$1,836$0-100%
Cynthia L. Norris$1,051$0-100%
Denise L. Seehusen$1,488$0-100%
Harley Crock$2,589$0-100%
Jayendra Bhakta$37,645$0-100%
Laura A. Cook$1,051$0-100%
Ralph a Accola Trust$199$0-100%
Sandy Johnson$2,373$0-100%
Susan Haaland$11,223$0-100%
The DE Lorimier Family, LLC$33,363$0-100%
Tonya Hinderlie$69$0-100%
Wilbur Haaland$12,962$0-100%
Xue Qiong Tan$2,725$0-100%
Total subsidies$14,242,915$7,704,990-45.9%


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